I am about to enter my second semester in college and sure I know: I've got time to decide what I want to do as far as a major goes, but my school is converting into a brand new college by Fall of 06 and they are urging those who are there now to hurry up and finish ASAP since transfering credits and such will soon get tricky once the new college is established.
My counselor says not to worry. I still have until about the fall of 07' but I still feel I am in the dark.
What did you major in college or what is your major now?
It seems like so many people go to college with all these fancy majors like: Psychology, International Buisness etc but end up doing something completely different once they leave? Why is that? Is that normal?
The 3 areas I see myself in are maybe: writing,(though I have been told a major in creative writing won't bring home a paycheck) working in something in buisness, maybe marketing?? Working in a nursing home as a nutritionist? supervisor of patients?
Should I pick something specific like Marketing or more broad like: Buisness Administration?
Is a Masters really necessasry?
What about a 2 year? (As you know that is what my parents are expecting. I don't know if they'll be too happy if I decide to transfer.)
All these life-changing decisions to be made. How can people possibly keep telling me: "Don't worry?"