Irvine Welsh Trainspotting - too hard for this Merry Can to understand the transliterated Scot-English
Isaiah Berlin Against the Current - bought used off of Amazon, thought it would be interesting, but really it's way over my head
Clifford A. Pickover The Paradox of God and the Science of Omniscience - Some interesting thought experiments
Harold Morowitz The Emergence of Everything - Haven't started
Lynne Truss Eats, Shoots, and Leaves - I've heard it's very funny
Margaret Atwood The Blind Assassin - I loved The Handmaid's Tale so I thought I'd read another Atwood novel
William Hewitt Self Hypnosis - I'm on my third tobacco-free day thanks to it
Larry Gonick The Cartoon History of the Universe volumes 1-7 - very funny and educational
Ernst Mayr What Evolution Is - informative, albeit somewhat dry
I sign out lots of books from the library that never get read as I have a hard time staying awake and keeping my attention focused.