The subject of politics often comes up on this board, inevitably. Whatever our opinions on the subject are, most of us share a common
struggle against the demands of religion(s) that seek to dominate and ruin your life, whether the "truth" or something else.
Sad to say, everytime the human race seems to be generally ready to shake off the shackles of controlling religious bigots, something
happens to give various "theocrats" a new grip on people's lives.
What makes this recent problem with religious terrorism so dangerous is it's timing: I have unalterable faith that the world is on the
cliff's edge of enormous discoveries. Soon, it is likely that science will finally gain control over the secrets of life, permitting extended
lifespans, regrown limbs and organs , as well as discoveries in the field of energy and physics. The very last thing the world needs
now is a jihadist suicide cult running loose with emerging technology! The United States once confronted such a suicide cult
in the form of the Imperial Japanese - and if they had been able to develop advanced technology quickly enough - even jet aircraft! -
the world would be an awful place. As it is, the suicide cult was ended , in large measure, by the shock of two atomic bombs
leveling two major cities - and the Emperor then denying his God-hood.
The problem with the war in Iraq is that everyone acts like it was about Iraq! or just oil! - and it isn't!
The real problem is that we have only a limited opportunity to force/cajole/beat/encourage Islamic nations into becoming
civilized and joining us in the 21st century! The clock is ticking - while technology races along, giving the human race new ways
to improve - or destroy - the world.
The tragedy is, that, Islamic countries are so skilled in avoiding progress and cultural isolation. Can you imagine a religious leader
in Europe openly advising adherents on the need to beat wives?!! ( It happened in Britain)
I am forced to say that most people in the West have not grasped the full import of what happened at 9/11!
All of a sudden, our best notions about human behavior were shattered! What horrified me was the news that
the suicide bombers went to college, strip clubs, and drank booze - but still managed to cheerily kill themselves
and others in religious suicide. Nothing "civilized" them. Did "cricket" "civilize" the bombers in Britain?
Take a good look at the recent video from the suicide bombers in Jordan, smiling and waving to the camera
while on their way to end their lives. This threatens the world. While only a relative few in Islamic countries are involved in such
behavior, the fact is that many sympathize with it - or do nothing to stop it, at least until recently.
Atlantic magazine nailed the reason why this suicide cult has emerged. They interviewed young Muslim men in western nations
and found that many of them "felt like nothing" in their new nations. It's simple: your head is pumped full of egocentric fantasies
about how you are the favored of Allah - and then suffer the contrast of misery in most of the Islamic world compared with the relentless
progress of the West. The habit of religious fantasy then extends to nonsense about "72 virgins" and Jews being "monkeys"
who are always behind every slight to your culture.
Could ordinary "white people" or Europeans get involved in these suicide- murder cults? How infectious is this jihadist
spirit of suicide and murder?
Another question: How many people in western society are oriented towards suicide and murder? Consider the recent phenomena
of "ghost drivers" on the German Autobahn. It is now believed that some people are deliberately racing on car lanes in the
wrong direction, just for the sport of killing themselves and others.
Could these be recruited?
Could the aggressive spirit of Islam gradually take over Europe? Are Islamists demanding a separate code of law in these
Take a good look at the recent trouble in France - and note French editorial comments about how the simple presence
of police "provokes" violence. At what point does a country subdivide into separate cultures with separate laws - and barriers
to outsiders because they fear "provocation"? How does this differ from the appeasement of Hitler - that started WW2?
Not everything is pessimistic about these trends - most of the French rioting was not religious in character and much of the fear
about Muslim birth rates in Europe may be exaggerated. In addition, efforts to spread democracy may bear fruit - or at least distract
Islamic nations in civil wars, so as to remove them from participation in the world scene. Some Muslims are now speaking out
against the image of murder and violence - nevertheless we don't have the luxury of waiting centuries for these nations to
get "secular", as Christian nations have.
the clock is ticking. The world can't wait and peace will not prevail by itself. The West will lead humanity into continued progress
apart from the age-long promises of religious palatives ("Armageddon is coming soon", for example). I can only hope that millions
of people in Islamic countries can join in the benefits but if not, you won't want to think about what happens next, regardless
of Bush/Democrats/EU leaders/ etc. History will not wait............