January 15 WT : Beware of Apostasy

by truthseeker 63 Replies latest jw friends

  • truthseeker

    Hi all, this post comes from the E-watchman site, when I get the mags, I will post further.


    The following is taken from the Watchtower of January 15, 2006, page 23 under the heading 'Resist the Foremost Apostate':

    'Because of listening to the Devil and not rejecting his lies, the first human pair apostatized. So, then, should we listen to apostates, read their literature, or examine their Web sites on the internet? If we love God and the truth, we will not do so. We should not allow apostates into our homes or even greet them, for such actions would make us 'sharers in their wicked works.' (2 John 9-11). May we never succumb to the Devil's wiles by abandoning the Christian "path of truth" to follow false teachers who seek to "introduce ruinous ideologies" and try to 'exploit us with well-turned phrases.' - 2 Peter 2:1-3, Byington.

    This is taken from the study article, for the week February 13-19 2006 - Do not Allow Place for the Devil.

    The above has certain implications.

    The Watchtower, in its condemnation of apostasy uses 2 John 9-11 as the foundation for conveying to the reader how apostates are to be treated.

    However, the context of that verse specifically addresses the influence of the anti-Christ, and those refusing to believe Christ came in the flesh, and whose teaching was liable to corrupt the congregation and the validity of Christ's sacrifice and resurrection.

    True, we must be on guard from those who want to undermine the very foundations of Bible truths, but when issues open to interpretation and change are used as the basis for belief control, then it becomes cultlike not Christ like, and has no scriptural backing to impose the sanctions the Apostle John mentions.

    The Watchtower has redefined what apostasy is, using its own theology and interpretation as the framework of what the teaching of Christ is, and yet cannot admit that it itself has 'apostasised' from God's word on a number of occasions in the past by its own erroneous speculation and unfounded prophetic interpretation.

    At the end of the day, over the years, many of JW's are guilty of apostasy, a communial guilt, for allowing themselves to be duped by those who have spoken 'twisted things' in the guise of the 'faithful and discreet slave.' We could cite various examples, but many on this DB are familiar already with the Watchtower's embarrassing history on certain matters.

    This follows onto another point. The Watchtower is undoubtedly aware of the existance of various 'apostate sites'. While some sites are run by outright embittered former JW's, there are a few who just relate the facts about the Watchtower, its development and doctrine to the discomfort of Watchtower apologists and the majority of our brotherhood.

    The Watchtower cannot get away from the fact the internet is a very popular medium through which those searching to understand religion and the Bible are going to use. It is a reality, and the Watchtower has to face up to the challenge the internet is causing it.

    We know of course how the Watchtower endorses 'unity at all costs', even if it means sacrificing truth, or the exposure of error, but another interesting development is to suggest one who loves God and truth would not read or be openminded enough to consider anything outside the Watchtower. Cultlike? Possibly, but it also shows how the Watchtower is elevating itself now to decide who is an apostate and what material is apostate i.e. everything outside the Watchtower's doctrinal and prophetic framework.

    This too is a test for active JW's, non-disfellowshipped and attending regularly a congregation.

    According to this Watchtower article, such ones would not even examine the websites of apostates.

    Thankfully, that means that we can expect the Judgmentites, known to be critical of all here, yet visit this site to find out what is under discussion, will be no longer visiting here. To do so, according to this Watchtower, is disloyal and shows no love for God or for the truth! Time will tell how they accept this Watchtower counsel!

    The JW's on this DB will now have to decide where they stand, and if they are prepared to accept the Watchtower's interpretation of apostasy, and continue or discontinue contributing to this DB. Personally I have made my decision.

    Additionally, when this article is studied in the congregations, again it will do much to arouse suspicion and fear of any who question or debate the Watchtower's stance and reasonings on Biblical matters and prophecy. It seems open discussion is going to be even more stifled and eventually non-existant.

    The article refers back to the example of C T Russell and one who exposed Christendom's apostasy, yet fails to highlight that by today's Watchtower standards, C T Russell would be an outstanding example of an 'apostate'.

    How do you feel?

  • carla

    We should not allow apostates into our homes ------what if you live with one? Well, I'm not apostate, only have the heart of one.

    As for this so called unity, where is it? why are so many jc's handled differently? Why at one hall you can 'get away' with something and at another you would be df'd? Why the preferential treatment of some? is this unity? Even the unity of beliefs, aren't there some old jw's who are still holding onto some of the old light? and still going door to door?

  • enlightenedcynic

    Hey Truthseeker,

    Nice post and I couldn't agree with you more. The internet is the society's worse enemy and they are doing everything they can to demonize it so that the rank and file will stay as far away from it as possible. My wife refuses to "surf" the web because the slave says "true" Christians, "mature" Christians, don't search aimlessly on the internet for information. I have tried on several occasions to reason with her and help her to see that there is nothing wrong with doing research on the background of the Watchtower, even printed out some information that consisted of only quotes from older WT literature. Of course, she refused to read it. To sum it all up.....most of us who visit this site and others like it have already decided that we are not going to have our every action and thought controlled by the society. Those who decide to stop coming here likely are not ready to make such a decision.


  • TopHat

    Not allow Apostates in my home? I guess that means anyone from the WTS or KH.IMHO

  • Gopher

    The Watchtower says:

    May we never succumb to the Devil's wiles by abandoning the Christian "path of truth" to follow false teachers who seek to "introduce ruinous ideologies" and try to 'exploit us with well-turned phrases.' - 2 Peter 2:1-3, Byington.

    So people who merely tell about their experiences while in the JW's are termed "false teachers"? They're just telling their experience, they're not "false teachers".

    Ruinous ideologies? The Watchtower Society should talk! Their ideologies ruin lives, and that's why websites like this one even exist.

    They're the one who ruin lives using misleading 'well-turned phrases'.

    "Millions now living will never die"

    "Avoid higher education"

    "The system will soon end"

    "Billions now living will be obliterated by Jehovah's heavenly armies at Armageddon"

    etc. etc.

  • seattleniceguy

    It is interesting to see the current predicament of the WT Society.

    They are backed into a corner by 100 years of their own words. Still they cannot think to do anything but scorn anyone who disagrees with them. And yet, in the age of information, this will only drive people further away as they do their own research.

    So what is a high-control group to do? They have a choice. They can go down kicking and screaming, or they can bring their teachings in line (or at least, in closer accord) with reality. However, their pride and myopia make the latter very difficult for them to do. Like the last man in "Ten Angry Men," they are powerless to do anything but keep repeating the old lies, while a greater and greater crowd look on in embarassment. I'm struck by the image of a bitter old man, stabbing his finger at anyone who disagrees with him. "Apostate! Apostate!" he cries in his hoarse and cracking voice. "How dare you contradict me!" "Because you're wrong, old man," a growing crowd says.

    It will be interesting to see whether they choose oblivion or change. I have my money on oblivion.


  • garybuss

    I thought they were smarter than to go so far down this road. I guess I gave them too much credit. I'd like to see a scan of the whole article.

  • DannyHaszard
    The above has certain implications.

    The Watchtower, in its condemnation of apostasy uses 2 John 9-11 as the foundation for conveying to the reader how apostates are to be treated.

    However, the context of that verse specifically addresses the influence of the anti-Christ, and those refusing to believe Christ came in the flesh, and whose teaching was liable to corrupt the congregation and the validity of Christ's sacrifice and resurrection.

    That's it!

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Whatever happened to 'snatching the errant one from the fire' or 'leave the 99 and search for the one lost'?

    If Jesus had thought that Peter was turning aside to falsehood would he have shown such great personal fear and run and hid from him? I don't think so....


  • TopHat
    It will be interesting to see whether they choose oblivion or change. I have my money on oblivion.


    So do I !!!! Soon it will be the midnight hour for the GB of the JWs


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