With the freedom of speech goes responsibility. Those of us who had the freedom of speech taken away realize how precious it is. We never want to lose it again.
We have been on one side of the pendulum. And it is a normaul reaction to swing widely (and sometimes wildly) to the other side. But saying whatever we want at the price of our socail responsibility isn't helpful either. As in all things we need balance.
We need to be free to say what we want and need to say. But that does not include words that insult, deman or hurt others.
The publisher Zondervan says the following:
Introduction to the Green Ribbon Campaign
As the world's leading Christian publisher, Zondervan recognizes that the right to free speech is one of the most important and fundamental rights of liberty. We support the right to free speech in all its forms. We also call for responsibility in exercising this right.
Good citizens know they're accountable for their actions (someone has said, “My right to swing my arm ends when my fist hits your nose”). There are those, however, who tend to forget that they also are held accountable for their words. That's how laws against libel and slander are sustained. Just as in life rules, limitations, and boundaries guard against physical anarchy (e.g., traffic laws, social graces), so too limitations exist to guard against verbal incivility.
Words have a power all their own. At Zondervan we're in the business of publishing life-changing words. Author Tim Stafford, in his book That's Not What I Meant!, says, “Words can hurt. Words can heal. Therefore it is of the utmost importance that we pay attention to our words.”
The advent of the Internet has seen a staggering growth in the potential for the freedom of speech and expression to people throughout the world. Sadly, in some quarters, this same freedom is being abused and used irresponsibly as a smoke screen to communicate in a vulgar, profane, violent, and insulting manner.
Dr. Alan Keyes, former U.S. ambassador to the United Nations Economic and Social Council, says in his book, Our Character, Our Future, “Freedom requires that at the end of the day, we accept the constraint that is required....”