I am truly looking for your honesty on this issue...not that I think any of you have been dishonest - I just don't want the sugar coated version of Pollyanna lines.
I have spoken about this subject privately with one of you - ;) - and also with my hubby. However, I'm wondering if I'm in the minority here when I bring this subject up.
Being raised a JW I had to be SO straight for SO long. now I want to just shed ALL responsiblity. It's totally out of my character. I'm the "level-headed", "reliable" one to any who know me. Yet I have this burning desire to just REBEL. Rebel against everything, the whole world. The only catch is - I am a wife and mom. You still have quite a bit of responsibility when you're in those roles. It leads you down roads of thought at times where you question would you have had children or gotten married if you knew what you know now. I have had my share of abuse and divorce and nasty parents when I was a kid, so I won't do that to my children. I am also aware of the great paradox that rebeling JUST to rebel against the JW's/GB/WTS/whatever means to a certain degree that they still are controlling your actions! damn, I hate that.....
So, I suppose I'm asking you all - did you have this experience when you left? If you did, what did you do to cleanse yourself of this and yet not destroy your life for the future? I've seen some people leave and they just go all out and then literally contract a VD or become a total drug addict or destoy their marriage. If you did have this experience how long did it last for you or what would you recommend in dealing with this issue?
Thanks in advance for pondering this............