Nah, not afraid. Most days it still seems like it would be nice to not have to deal with luck, there will be more to deal with then.
Are You Afraid To Die?
by minimus 83 Replies latest jw friends
AK - Jeff
Is that guy giving me the finger, Johnny Cash?
(I wish I could meet Mouthy)
Anyways....I am afraid to die....I can't dwell on it too much because it almost makes me sick. I love life so much and don't want to ever leave my life. I try not to think about it though, because it means I am wasting time on death, when I could be focusing on living....what other choice do I have???
Is that guy giving me the finger, Johnny Cash?
It's JC "them" the finger.
I'm not afraid of dieing... I'm just afraid of being dead.
I am afraid of missing out on all of the things that will happen after I'm dead. What does the future hold? I'll never know.
Terrified. The only reason is that my kids would then be doomed to become door-knockers.
when I could be focusing on living....
Good answer Jez That is why Christ died for you to live MORE ABUNDENTLY!!!!So this is the 1st day for the rest of your life use it wisely....(((HUG) I wish we could meet also. But doubt that will ever happen
I am afraid to die. Yes.
I am 60 years old and the thought that I might only live another 20 years is terrible to me. My parents are both in their 90's so I might get another 30 years, just by genetics, but I am really not happy about the idea.
Life is too short. I want to stick around and see what happens...............and more.
Hi MULAN! Ditto for me too! I feel the same way, I am 61 and we just had our first grandson, we want to watch him grow up.
The oldest person I have seen the grave of, was born in the late 1700's. Do you ever think of all the things those who sleep in their graves have missed?
It's not so much fear of dying. It's fear of what happens afterwards. I don't want to cease to exist. I don't want to cross over, only to find the hereafter as unfair and angst ridden as the here and now. If where we are going is a place that's better and where we get a break from all the woes, pain and suffering in this world, then I am not worried about death..
I used to love to hang out in cemeteries to commune with history. Nowadays it's just not the same. And I avoid funerals for people I am not super close to.
I don't dwell on death.I don't worry needlessly over it. My fondest hope is that it will be better, much better for us and that maybe we can reunite with people we love that have gone on before us.