For the first time in 4 or 5 years I got a visit by the JWs this morning. I wasnt prepared at all and so handled it not so well. Bear in mind the leaflet on display just made me feel physically ill.
The woman asked if I was interested in finding out god's purpose for the future. My response was to laugh and say I'm not remotely interested - God doesn't exist. I feel sorry for you and then I shut the door as the sneery holier than thou woman said a sarcastic bye bye to the closing door.
I feel a bit pathetic but I wasnt dressed, I broke my toe (yes this is the second toe I've broken in recent months) stumbling on my broken leg out of the bathroom this morning and couldn't get my shoes on to go to work.
What can I say they caught me at a bad moment. At least it was clear my door wasnt marked down as a disfellowshiped persons abode so next time I'll try to be a bit more ready - mind you it may be another five years before they risk it!