haha this is too funny! apostates helping jw's with their talks... doesn't this strike anyone as odd? i do think it's cute and even a compliment to human nature...
by stillAwitness 34 Replies latest jw friends
haha this is too funny! apostates helping jw's with their talks... doesn't this strike anyone as odd? i do think it's cute and even a compliment to human nature...
haha this is too funny! apostates helping jw's with their talks... doesn't this strike anyone as odd?
yeah, that's why I couldn't give a serious answer. It would be kinda like giving my bird a chocolate bar - very bad!
haha this is too funny! apostates helping jw's with their talks... doesn't this strike anyone as odd? i do think it's cute and even a compliment to human nature...bethel
Strikes me as well. Shows the hypocrisy within the org. I don't think it is cute though or a compliment to human nature. YOU are on the ministry school, YOU choose to be, YOU make up your own damn talk. Or, I will make it up for you as long as you reference it, but then again, plagiarism isn't that big of a deal, is it. I use to make my husband's talks up for him all the time, my SIL made her husbands up, and her sons, my mother "helped" my Dad with his........... Jez
I suggest the following setting for your talk:
10. Encouraging Bible reading by showing how to do it or how reading a specific Bible book can benefit us
Source materials can include but are not limited to the following:
The New King James Bible
The Living Bible
The Scofield Bible (a real treat for non-trinitarian JW's)
The New American Standard Bible
The Holman Christian Standard Bible
The New International Version of the Bible
The Jerusalem Bible
Young's Literal Translation
Barne's Notes on the New Testament
J. Vernon McGee's Thru the Bible
Jamieson-Fausset-Brown Bible commentary
Wesley's Commentary
Finney's Systematic Theology
Hey Stilla, didn't you like the material I sent you? geeeze!
But for a well balanced rounded out talk source materials should include:
Punch magazine
Old Moores Almanac
Gay Times
Asian Babes
Construction Weekly
Fly Fishing for Beginners
Skin Two
I think we learn that jesus family was not happy with the current religious system and hated hypocrisy , for one thing . Let's take a look at how the WTBTS compares to the pharisees back in jesus day ...... blah blah yadda yadda
Setting: Witnessing to a neighbor
HH: "I just read the book, "The DaVinci Code" It states that Jesus was married, and even had a child! Do JWs believe that?"
JW: "Oh no, we are not allowed to entertain any other possibilities than what the society tells us."
HH: "But Jesus had family, and how he acted could teach us alot, if taken from that perspective, it could explain why he was so loving towards woman."
JW: "Oh no, we have not been told that that true. I would have to wait on 'Jehovah' to reveal that to us through the FDS class."
HH: "But don't you think it is interesting how the book says that it is religion, run by man, that had to 'demonize' women, in order to take power away from them? If so, Jesus' example would mean alot of changes to how families are run, no?"
JW: "Well, the society's publications say.."
HH: "I know what they say, but what do others say?"
JW: "Have I ever showed you Matt 24:14. Notice that JW are the only ones preaching this good news."
Too many talks, what about what James said, "Slow to speak, quick to hear, slow to wrath."