Jehovar or not to Jehobar: WT -vs- Awake

by DaCheech 13 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • DaCheech

    Was looking at the Jan 15th Watchtower and reading it side by side with the January Awake.

    Jehobar is mentioned probably hundreds of times in the WT (anytime God is referenced), instead in the Awake --> God is used instead!!

    The only 2 or 3 times it is used in this awake is when quoting scriptures directly and Jehobar is in that scripture!

    They are using cute tactics to sway the nieve

  • AlmostAtheist

    That's extremely interesting. They certainly know which side faces the public, don't they? Sly bastards.

    They may be idiots, but they sure ain't idiots...


  • Pistoff

    So much for using the publications to proclaim the holy name.

    I see its constant use in the WT as a mind control tactic, and like a charm.

  • theinfamousone

    ha ha, and then we wonder why they wanted us to present the awake and not the watchtower to ppl... they had to keep the WT dogmatic enough to keep the converts... but the awake had to be easy enough to interest potential converts...

    the infamous one

  • yaddayadda

    Why can't you just type it 'Jehovah' duh. Too scared to?

  • DaCheech

    Because Jehovah is a made up god

  • blondie

    The WTS has suppressed the use of Jehovah in materials and presentations for the public.

    Any of the front articles targeting non-JWs in the WTS also rarely use "Jehovah" rather God.

    November 1

    An unfair world--God/0; Jehovah/0

    Can anyone really change the world?--God/16 Jehovah/0

    And interestingly talks about Jesus bringing a totally new system of things, not God.

    "Suggested" presentations in the KMs also do not use "Jehovah" and verbally JWs are discouraged from identifying themselves as JWs in the introduction of their presentation. So God's name and the "kingdom" are rarely mentioned or spoken about at the door.


    km 1/03 p. 3 Presentations for Draw Close to Jehovah (book title)

    · With Bible in hand, say: "Many people who believe in God would like to feel closer to him. Did you know that God invites us to draw close to him? [Read James 4:8.] This publication is designed to help people use their own Bible to draw close to God." Read paragraph 1 on page 16.

    · With Bible in hand, say: "Today injustice abounds. It is just as described here. [Read Ecclesiastes 8:9b.] Many wonder if God even cares. [Read the first two sentences of paragraph 4 on page 119.] This chapter explains why God has permitted injustice for a time."


  • in a new york bethel minute
    in a new york bethel minute

    part of the reason is so that people don't know that they are jehovah's witnesses until (or IF) they like what they read... i remember one of my last times in service i was introducing myself as one of jehovah's witnesses and my mother asked me to stop because it gets the householder's back up or something like that...


  • DaCheech


    Exactly my point is making this post. Watchtower editors are master salesman!

    Lure them by showing how similiar we are to their beliefs and wants..... and then slowly lure them to the little "bible based priciples"!

    (No cross, no xmas/holidays, flag, etc)

  • Mysterious

    Interesting. I certainly remember the people here that chose to feature the WT being the black sheep, and ultimately lower placements as well. I never read the watchtower unless it was part of the family study and I am guilty of only reading the "general" interest articles in the awake. When it degraded into scriptural discussion I started shamelessly skimming.

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