Doogie: You are right, she is an amazingly wise girl. She sees right through his ‘control’ tactics and tells me that he is trying to engage her in a power struggle, and she refuses to ‘plug into’ it.
Jeff: In your absolute honest opinion - Do you think his behaviour is a result of being a JW? Or would he have been just the same kind of jerk if he had not ever been one? Not defending - just analyzing a little. There are plenty of non JW jerks out there. Could it be just his personallity, and not his religion.? Just trying to think objectively a bit here. I have seen the same kind of jerkish behaviour from both courts.
Great question. I enjoyed thinking about it. When I was married to him, he was abusive, controlling etc towards me, and almost inactive. BUT he was a decent father to the girls. I can’t complain about that. It was only after he remarried into a fanatical JW family that he became very militant about "the truth". It is like his only mission in life now is to get them to be JWs and to hell with every else connected to his relationship with them. I do believe that without me in his life to temper his insanity, the ones surrounding him have fostered it. That includes his family, his wife’s family, and his religion. A very twisted mind can now use religion to justify his thoughts. So, in short, his personality and his religion feed off of each other.
Jgnat: My idea is that you notify the school about your actions to sever familial ties with this man and restrict all access to information about his former daughter. Get it in writing that they will not disclose anything to this man without your daughter's express permission.
I can’t do that because he has joint custody therefore legal rights to obtain her records. That is why my husband wants to adopt her OR we file for sole custody. I am meeting with my $150 an hour lawyer on Tuesday to discuss our options.
LadyLee, my husband and I were just talking about that last night. What a way to make your religion tantalizing! If he wanted her to check it out, why would he go about it this way, by shoving it down her throat and being confrontational about it? I don’t need to say anything, he is doing a fine job all on his own.
Magoo, yup there is nothing more important than your spiritual family, not even your children. Condition #1: you must be a JW for me to accept you.