Enjoy yourself, and I mean enjoy yourself.
I think I'll take a few days off to DA....
by AuldSoul 40 Replies latest jw friends
Good Luck AULD SOUL! you got big ones that's for sure!
Hold your head high....
All the best bro
Cherish your DA'ing experience, and record the date for anniversaries! Hope to hear from you soon. You're doing the right thing.
We'll be thinking of you and waiting for your report.
Maybe plan a beer or cocktails with a friend or two afterward??
If our thought can give you strength.. sending you a truck load!
Take some time out for you and your wife!
Relax and have some fun together! Your free!
Thank you all for your support. Wow! And thanks for accepting the apology, Mulan.
I decided to come back today and post one thought for your reaction...I will still be deciding for myself, but...not being terribly rational right now, I wanted some outside input.
I don't want to say goodbye to my family. There is the emotional connection that I don't ever want to be the one to break (I'm not going to cut them off, after all) but also I don't want them to say, "At least we were able to say goodbye," to themselves as a way to comfort the hurt their overlords have saddled them with. I don't want to soften the blow of the damage their teachings cause. Is this heartless or cruel?
AuldSoul -
Good luck AuldSoul.
What you're doing takes courage. You're a kind, intelligent individual and I hope things go well in your household.
As far as your family is concerned; imho, Don't do anything that you'll feel bad about later. Do what makes you feel good about yourself and your actions. If that is leaving without saying goodbye then so be it. If that's giving them advance notice in case they would like to say goodbye then do it. This is about you, not them. Allow them to feel and act how they wish, but don't let them decide your feelings and actions.
Again, good luck.
Have a bottle of Champagne ready and celebrate afterwards!!! Wish you the best!