Hello Everyone From a Newby

by Apostate Kate 35 Replies latest jw friends

  • Apostate Kate
    Apostate Kate

    Hello Everyone,

    I just wanted to introduce myself. I have read many threads here for several years, but never made a commitment to stick around. Tonight I understand why. After reading topics for a while, I am filled with supressed memories coming back; years of antidepresants, suicidal darkness that I have since overcome, fear, anger, frustration, elders ::cringe::, meetings, door to door service, armagedon, confusion, 1975, persecution, demons, school.........

    I really want to stay this time. I'm going to try. There are so many topics here that it kinda brings it all back at once. Feels overwhelming.

    Love to all,


  • These3Words

    Hi Apostate Kate, I'm Apostate Chris.

    I'm glad you are here.I'm a newbie as well and sometimes I can't sleep at night because I can't wait to read the morning "post" excuse the pun.We both have alot in commin and I hope we can share some stories, talk about repressed memories and even get pissed off together. I felt the same way you did when i first started just the other day, but if we take it slow I'm sure this forum will help us both!


  • prophecor

    Welcome back Apostate Kate. Glad you could come out of the rain. Hope you get everything you need.


  • prophecor

    Welcome to you as well, These 3 Words. There are so many new ones that it can be almost impossible to keep up. I wish all of you the best in your journey and recovery.


  • Confession
    There are so many new ones that it can be almost impossible to keep up.

    Yeah, huh? In the last week or so (it seems to me) there has been an amazing flood of first-time posting newbies, hasn't there? Glad to see you all. Let us know how we can help.

  • bigmouth

    Welcome ApostateKate,I'm new also and I reckon there has been a flood of newbies in the short time I've been here.I'm thrilled that even my 'born in the truth' wife posted for the first time yesterday!Maybe this is the Great Crowd..............?

  • diamondblue1974

    Welcome to the forum...you are among friends and we do not pass around the contribution box or ask for a monthly deed of covenant...(ahem).

    Hope you stick around...will be interesting to hear of your story and how you came to find us.


  • Crumpet

    Hey Kate - I understand what you mean - its a difficult process, but not as hard as supressing those feelings and memories.

    What helps most is not just to dwell on your own perspective and pain alone, but to respond and particpate in helping other newbies and oldies too. It makes you feel very useful and not so inadequate when you can help others here. Its also as they say great to talk and get some of those suppressed feelings out and we can take it her so when you are ready have a good ole vent and tell us your story- even if its in bits. Many find its too much to relate their whole story in one go and choose to do over time.

    And you must have noticed there are loads of lightweight humourous topics where you can escape too for some welcome light relief and playful banter to balance out some of the pain and heaviness of the more serious topics here.

    You are very welcome and really look forward to hearing from you more.

    hugs ms newbie apostate!

  • under74

    Welcome Kate. I hope you stick around.

  • MidwichCuckoo

    Welcome, welcome Kate. I found this website quite recently, and by (fortunate) mistake. I have learned so much, and can identify with so much - for which I am grateful.

    Please stay. Look forward to your future posts

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