by badboy 11 Replies latest jw friends
I don't know if this is what you mean but when I used to live in florida through every single hurricane the brothers would always encourage us to come to the meetings as long as there was no federal warning to evacuate or something
They'd say things like: ' wouldn't you prefer to be in Jehovah's house if a natural disaster was approaching?'
And folks would get all weird about it like it was really armageddon and the meeting nights would be filled to capacity while outside you can hear palm trees and debris are flying through the streets.
well if there wasnt there will be now as my parents will want to know how i found out about my sisters wedding today, two years later!
Yes there is. I do not go anymore but, I have renters that do and a few family member that still talk to me so I keep up with what is going on at the Hall. At the local hall Paranoia runs deep. I was told just last week from a Sister in her early sixties and a regular Pioneer that rents form me that everyone at the Hall knows why I was railroaded. I was told that talk has been running strong as to why I have not came back after four years. She said everyone knows why, and it is having a serious effect on the local congragtion because they know it is true about the NGO's and many admire my stand. She said people are afraid off being railroaded by the Elder Body Iike I was.
Funny thing they blame the local Elders for my leaving, but they only made me mad but not enough for me to quit going. The black and white lieing of the Society and it's un-true teachings is the real reason I quit.
Yes. Paranoia about anything which is unusual.
THat is right we could not own a troll doll, watch the smurfs, buy ANY (Protor and Gambles) PROUCTS because of the sign of the witch or something like that on its packaging. The list goes no and on.
Very Paranoid indeed
Lots of paranoia about "spiritism." If JWs were so connected to Jehovah, why were they so afraid of Satan and his demons? JWs fear anything and everything that is foreign to them or that they just don't understand.
I was looking through their book on the various religions -- totally off when it comes to voodoo and african/carribean faiths. WAY off. But it was obviously researched and written by someone who didn't know diddly about it.
Paranoia about reading apostate literature. If you have such a strong faith in your beliefs, why would reading a book you KNOW counters the JW teachings be detrimental to your relationship w/ God?
I have a feeling it's going to be a bad year for that kind of stuff. See the January WT on apostates? Read the post by the young elder who is just about to burn out and wants a break, talks to his fellow elders about it and all they want to know is whether he's an apostate?
Maybe the love of the greater number is cooling off!!
Absolutely. Everyone was terrified the 'holier-than-thou' super dubs would snitch on them about something, they'd get Df'd and then with Armageddon just around the next bend Joe Hoba was gonna JackSlap them into an annihilation.
THat is right we could not own a troll doll, watch the smurfs, buy ANY (Protor and Gambles) PROUCTS because of the sign of the witch or something like that on its packaging. The list goes no and on.
I have noticed how it seem to be American JW's who have the most paranoia about such things. In my many years as a JW here in Britain I never came acoss any such things. My kids watched Smurfs on TV, as did many other JW kids did. My wife bought Proctor and Gamble products.Incidently it was the beard on the companys old man logo, some of its curls were said to make the number 666. It was taken up my some fundamental Christians as well.