Hi all, I have my kids coming over with friends, age range 4-9, but as if that isnt enough I need to think of some movies (films) that I could give them to watch. I have the new Harry Potter, and Wallace and Gromit Rabbit, plus Charlie and the Choco factory - any other suggestions!??!?! MUCH APPRECIAT@ED
Need help - Movies that kids like
by Sam the Man 21 Replies latest jw friends
Sam the Man
One other thing - they need to be quite new, I dont want sentimental comments over old 'classics' (although I am partial to the snowman)
I (and my kids) like The Incredibles.
mmm... my niece (age 7) loves Spy Kids, James and the Giant Peach, Mathilda...my 9 year old nephew loves The Sandlot...but there are some bad words in it and it's about American baseball.
Forgot Shrek (1&2) and Monsters Inc. and Finding Nemo and Shark Tale.
Sam the man I am giving everyone i love Madagascar this christmas - its very funny, new and cute andlots in there for those adults of us who remember house music.
I Like to move it move it I like to move it move it.
trust me you'l want to wach too andget annoyed being asked to leave the movie for refreshments.
Seeking Knowledge
"Sky High" is fairly new over here...my 4 year old and my 16 year old both like it. Kurt Russell in tights...ha!!
ah...the dark crystal. I wasn't allowed to see that when it was in the theaters.
OOOH..Karate Kid, The Explorers, Flight Of The Navigator, Labyrinth, ET....oh, forgot...they aren't recent. -
Homeward Bound. Charlottes Web, for the little ones.