Just got back from my brother'splace after being there for three weeks. I forgot how the org teaches you to view women. His wife just became the manager of a video store, and I felt so sorry for her when she was talking to him about her work. She knows what she's doing or she wouldn't have the job, but he was basically counseling her on how to do it. Not just that but so many other things he says and does were just an outright insult to her as a person.
I remember viewing women that way, as a tool or piece of property, not as a person. Another part of that though is if you believe somoene can't think for themselves, it's a hell of a thing to say you want to partner with them. Then you are responsible for making thier mind up for them, and that's just a reponsibility I never really wanted. But I can se how some would like it that way, like my dad.
He paid for his most recent wife from the Phillipines through a service that provides wives to american men. There's several more in the area my dad is in, one is married to my uncle who left his wife of 50 years to be with a new bought wife, they meet up as a group (the women) every week. She's supposedly baptised too but had it done in the Phillipines I guess, either way she goes to meetings with him, etc, but it's so obvious she is there for a purpose, and it isn't love. She acts more like a servant than a wife, unbeleivable. She plans to keep half of everything he has for putting up with him I guess, and it's probably not enough to tell the truth. Just saying this to show where the mentality can go, it's so pathetic to me.
Jus' venting a little.