It turns out that the pledge of allegience originally was created by a company that sold flags to schools!!
Why do people get so worked up over a "pledge" created by a company so as to increase its sales?
by DannyHaszard 12 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
It turns out that the pledge of allegience originally was created by a company that sold flags to schools!!
Why do people get so worked up over a "pledge" created by a company so as to increase its sales?
I think pulbic school should leave kids alone as far as religion and politics are concerned .
Me too.
Why do people get so worked up over a "pledge" created by a company so as to increase its sales?
I think the problem is that they try to make these things mandatory and do not allow equal time for people to give their reasons . Saying the pledge of allegiance proves nothing and it is sort of a prayer type thing since they threw in the one nation under God part . During mcartheyism you'd probly have to spend some time exsplaining to the grand friggen jury . A person is innocent until proven guilty and does not have to prove his innocence .