When I was baptized in 1996 the elders knew that I had doubts.I told them I did, thinking that would get me off the hook.They bapitzed me anyway.The sisters that came to my door were relentless and I didn't want to be rude.Anyone else have this sort of experience?
BAPTIZED with doubts
by justice for all 10 Replies latest jw friends
Hi justice for all, welcome to the forum!
I'm surprised they let you get baptized. Did they tell you to 'wait on Jehovah'? Or maybe the elders you spoke to also had doubts....
I had some doubts that, at the time, I thought were minor. They were about some of the dates, like 1914 and 1919, and the FDS. The elders assured me that my understanding would improve as I "matured" spiritually. It took me 20 years to "mature" to the point where I discovered it was all a load of crap.
Welcome to the board.
justice for all
I'm thinking the eders must of had doubts or they thought that there mind control would convert me. Didn't happen, still have the same doubts.Thank you for the welcome I feel better already
All Witnesses have doubts. That's why there's so much talk about doubts. Lately most meetings, most Watchtower articles, and all assemblies are geared towards overcoming the doubts of the Jehovah's Witness people.
When I was in my teens and very active as a Witness, our focus was on how to overcome objections at the door of strangers. Now the focus of the ministry is how to overcome the objections of the Witness people at the Kingdom Hall and how to get the baptized publishers to OBEY! :-) To obey and perform the jobs members agreed to do when they entered into the legal contract to be a Jehovah's Witness.
I was baptized in 1957 at age 12 because of the family merit doctrine. -
jt stumbler
I have been studying for one year. I have had doubts almost the entire year, but still find the JWs to be more closely in line with the bible than other mainstream religions. I have recently become an unbaptized publisher and joined the school. I didn't know that I didn't have to join the school, just attend. I really wish that I hadn't, but too late for that. I have also expressed my many doubts, mainly about having trust in the FDS, but have not been told to stop witnessing or slow down. My bible study teacher is trying to pinpoint what my concerns are exactly and how to solve my problem with trusting in the Society by systematically going through a slew of questions and bible answers. The make logical sense, but there is always that underlying mistrust in the FDS as a whole and that's the bottom line. So it does seem that I'm being somewhat pushed along even with these doubts whereas my sister is having a totally opposite experience. She has voiced her doubts, but is not being pushed along at all. We are in 2 different congregations in different states.
welcome to the board...unfortunately for me i was brought up in the borg and so didnt have doubts till i was well and truly baptized. But yeah im a little shocked they let you get baptized knowing you had doubts
Welcome to the board!
They are NOT going to let that stop them, they need you and your money and you 'out' there trying to get more people for the money etc....
Welcome, justice and knothead.
Another thing to consider; why do the Witnesses spend so much time criticising other religions and why they are all wrong? Shouldn't the truth be obvious and stand on it's own? They remind me of the co-worker who goes around the office spreading gossip and making themselves indespensable. After a short while you realize they don't have much confidence in themselves, that's why they spend so much time tearing down others.
My experience is a little different. I am a regular Christian, well studied in the bible. I married a JW. So I've heard all the JW arguments as to why they are the closest to the "truth". But I don't buy it. The JW's lump all of Christendom in one basket, but the reality is that many denominations follow various doctrines that the JW's ascribe to better than they do.
Something I have pondered lately is how the JW's treat the bible as a manual, pointing to a particular scripture and follow it slavishly. In doing so, though, they often break the higher laws of love, respect, life, and family. These higher principles are the unbreakable golden threads weaving through the scriptures. A JW parent will unblinkingly will give up the life of their child in order to obey the verse in Acts on " no blood ", ignoring the higher law of showing reverence for life, God's creation. Similarly, in an attempt to keep the congregation "clean", wrongdoers are expelled. In doing so, however, JW shunning practices defy the higher principles of forgiveness and restoration. Lost JW lambs are not sought out and protected, they are kicked out and told to bleat loudly for forgiveness. For six months or more. There is no balance in the way the JW's follow the bible.
Are the JW's unique in the combination of doctrines they follow? Yes! But we could say that of any religion!