Holidays: Do you celebrate?

by Vitameatavegamin 23 Replies latest jw friends

  • jurs

    Hello Vita,

    I too was going to bring up the scripture in colossians2:16. I haven't celebrated christmas or birthdays ect. yet because I only left the org in May , but I am going to !!!!
    I am especially looking forward to Christmas. While I was still in I use to tell people that I didn't miss it at all. I was sincere, but as soon as I realized the truth about the truth, I've been eager to celebrate. I guess I never realized how much I missed it.
    My kids have never celebrated and they are so excited. I want to make it up to them. I don't care if its materialized or not. My kids are going to have a mountain of presents. In fact I've already started my X-mas shopping ( I love to shop ) Ho! Ho! Ho!

  • larc

    Hey Jurs,

    Before Cristmas, don't forget their birthdays, Holloween and Thanksgiving. Lots of fun to be had.

  • drahcir yarrum
    drahcir yarrum


    Even though it's only August 19th, please let me be the first to wish you a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS!


  • Shaneliza

    My first Christmas after I was df'd was so exciting. In fact, I couldn't wait until Christmas morning to open presents, so I made my then boyfriend (now hubby) open the presents one minute after midnight. Christmas morning I was so disappointed there were no presents to open. I've never done that since. Now I start decorating the house on the first of December. All my regular nic-knacks get boxed up and all the Christmas stuff goes up. There are lights everywhere, decorations from top to bottom the tree sparkles , I watch all the Chritsmas shows I can, play holiday music, the whole works. I celebrate all the holidys, but Christmas is my absolute

  • julien

    Shaneliza: you could try what we do, pick one present to open on Xmas Eve, leave the rest for the morning. Oh and to answer the thread question yes I celebrate them all and I love it.

  • gladiamout

    Oh my!!!!!!!!!!! I love the holidays!!!!!!!!!! I decorate like crazy I didn't realize how depressing life was without them until I started living again!!!!! Now we get together with our kids and their families every holiday and we have sooooo much fun because we are free to be ourselves! I am itching to get out everything for holloween!Oh and as several have brought out christmas is the best so warm and fuzzy with the lights and all that goes with it! I am so glad I quit the hall and all the baggage that goes with it! I'm free,I'm free thank God I'm free!

  • Thirdson

    You bet!

    Since my wife and in-laws are not and never were JWs I have come to know what holidays are all about. Christmas and Thanksgiving are my favorites. They are great occasions for the family to get together and a good excuse to celebrate.

    When I was a JW I thought holidays were special in a way, not that we celebrated (much) but at least the enforced holiday got the family together. It's even better now and I enjoy my wife's family's traditions and glad to be an accepted member of her family.


    'To avoid criticism, say nothing, do nothing, be nothing'

  • bboyneko

    Halloween makes me cry :( Cus its the one holiday I always wanted to celebrate and I never did. Last year i gave out candy to little kids it was great. This year maybe I will go trick or treating as a borg. WHo knows?


  • Quester

    The only thing that I enjoy doing since
    leaving the jw religion is recognizing
    birthdays as a way to honor and celebrate
    the lives of the ones I care about.

    I still don't care cared much for holidays.
    Not because I think they are bad or wrong.
    But because I don't like the obligation
    to give. The giving that brings me the
    most joy is the spontaneous unexpected


  • Mommie Dark
    Mommie Dark

    I say, celebrate ALL of 'em! You can get those cool calendars that show every holiday from every culture and nation... if you work at it a bit you can manage a holiday ever week or so! Cinco de Mayo, Hannukah, Yom Kippur, Kwaanza, Saint's days...and of course you can find interesting holiday customs from around the world to embellish your celebrations. We decorate the giant spider for every holiday, too...maybe this year I'll scan his picture for ya, he has a little Santa hat and a web o'lights with precious little stocking, hanging in the window next to the tree...

    I don't recommend you try to get your employer to give you time off for all those holidays though .

    The trick is, to make the celebrations festive without bankrupting the family. Christmas can be rough with a huge family like ours so we have tried to concentrate on giving the kids a great time without worrying about lots of gifts.

    And of course holidays are a great excuse to kick out all the jams and do some major COOKING! My sibs know that what they can expect from Mommie is lots of cookies & bread. Got a standing order for those gingersnaps from one of the little brothers...

    I've made it a point to share all holiday origins with Little Dark. We relish every pagan custom and superstition that led to our modern celebrations. It's a good way to connect to the ancestors and to acknowledge the best things about our shared humanity.

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