Just before I moved into my little apartment my scooter died. It was an old scooter and the wires were so brittle that they kept shorting out. When they tried to put a new motherborad into it the chair fried the new board. That left me with a power chair that was too small and slowly dying it's own death. It gave it up about a month after I moved. So for the last 2 months the only thing I have had to get around was my manual wheelchair. it has been a nightmare trying to get out to do basic things like doctor appointments and groceries. Even getting to the corner store to buy milk has been a pain. And now with the snow on the ground it is impossible.
The other day I arranged for the wheelchair bus to pick me up to get some groceries. You have to call one day ahead of time and if you don't get through before 9:00 am you are out of luck. That happened for last Friday and again for this Moinday. But I got through for a Tuesday trip. He showed up a half hour late. I had to rush through the store and hope I finished before the bus came to pick me up to go home. I just made it on time. If you aren't there they leave without you.
I have applied to the government for a new wheelchair but it is unlikely I will hear from them before February.
The company that I have been dealing with for all the repairs has been wonderful. Today they just delivered a wheelchair that I can use until I get my own.
I cannot tell you what this means. I have felt so trapped here. Now I have my freedom again