I've had a cold all week and this morning I coughed and went deaf in one ear and it's REALLY ANNOYING!!!! I thought it would pass within an hour or so but I've had it all day. Any ideas on how to get my hearing back?
Urgent advice needed
by ballistic 22 Replies latest jw friends
Other than the obvious advice that perhaps you should go get some professional medical advice (ie: perhaps the cold is going into your ears and may cause a sinus infection or some serious complications) have you tried an over the counter anti-histamine to clear things up a bit?
Are you sticking crayons in your ears again?...LOL (Kidding)
Go to the doctors...I have never heard of that before!
I hope you'll go to the doctor soon.
Ear infection?
I not stuck any crayons in my ears for 6 months and 3 days now, the anonymous meetings are helping.
Yikes! Sorry to hear that Ballistic (oopsI said hear).
Wish I could help, but I honestly don't know what to do other than what Mysterious said.
I had an earache once and tried the home remedy of baking a small peeled onion in the oven till warmed through, then placing it against the opening of my ear, holding a cloth over it, and laying down on it. The heat was quite penetrating, I felt something weird inside and then a draining sensation. It was yucky, but it seemed to help Whatever you do (or don't do), I hope you feel better soon
Yes I was thinking that Stilla, I have had it before but for very short periods. Mags, I'm really not sure about putting onions in my ears, what would people say? Although it wouldn't matter what they say because I wouldn't be able to hear them would I?
I've had a cold all week and this morning I coughed and went deaf in one ear and it's REALLY ANNOYING!!!! I thought it would pass within an hour or so but I've had it all day. Any ideas on how to get my hearing back? It once happened on a plane with me. So with cabin pressure it took me ten days to get full hearing back in my right ear - it really pissed me off.
Yes, it's amazing how annoying it is. I'm going to crack open a bottle of wine and see if that helps.
re: Merrys idea:
Man with onions in his ears: Sorry I can't hear you.
Police officer: That's because you've got onions in your ears!
Man with onions in his ears: what?