***Sunspot saw something "really odd on another board and dismissed it as it was so off-beat but now says......"but just maybe". So this could be something really, really odd
And Sunspot is extremely embarrassed to admit to having sent a C & Ped the post to Barbara only to discover this was not only NOT "it", but wasn't even close! I didn't earn even a fake cigar on that one! (blush) Much ado about nothing!
***This is what raised a red flag for me: directing everyone to give their money to the world-wide work fund in order for the Society to appropriate funds accordingly.
***I'm not saying this is the scandal, but things like this have been stacking up for the past couple of months. When I was conducting that meeting part I could see several eyebrows raise and I knew they thought it sounded weird, too. If there where to be some major financial scandal you can be sure a lot of people would leave or start fading.
I am willing to stick my foolish neck out once again and say that I am inclined to think $$$$$$$$ is at the root of the WTS problem........not LACK of it (obviously)..... but being caught with their greedy-greasy-grubby paws in money they have "done wrong" with!
Not only the "advisement" that the donations for the Katrina survivors would be chucked into one big pot, but even as far back as the amazing amounts GIVEN in India (as we saw recently on JWD) to the WTS "efforts" to help their country! I'll just bet that this type of thing has been being done (rampantly) in EVERY country and municipality that they had their "missionaries" in---and the WTS was allowing themselves a healthy chunk of the goodies! Maybe someone like Steven Bates was that his name) that broke the story about the NGO business---has been tracking the latest WTS undercover fiasco and now has "enough" ON them to break the story!
Maybe Sunspot just has a vivid imagination......
I was reading over on three pages previous to this when I decided to write my post. I see that $$$ wasn't in the running.....but I'm gonna proceed with what I wrote just to keep me honest in my speculation! LOL!
I too, could NOT gain access to JWD for hours and did I get NERVOUS thinking the WTS HAD MANAGED TO SHUT IT DOWN (washing my mouth out with soap now) and I can rest easy now that this is still here and you're still there! I MAY be dipping into my "Christmas wine" before the anticipated BIG NEWS gets to be announced, LOL!
Annie......if I had a zipper---I'd be turned inside OUT with nervous excitement!!!