by AndersonsInfo 1093 Replies latest watchtower scandals

  • seattleniceguy

    I've been thinking about this deception thing lately. You know why ex-JWs are so motivated? Not because they believed something that happened to be false. Not because they were in the wrong religion. It's something that strikes much deeper than that.
    There are few things in this world that infuriate people more than realizing that they have been lied to by someone they trusted. We can accept it when something bad happens. We can accept that not everything in the world turns out peachy all the time. But when we realize that someone we trusted has intentionally deceived us, we rise up in shock and anger. It is a fundamental part of being human.
    If this news is truly about deception - and not just deception of "worldy people", but clear, deliberate deception of rank and file Witnesses - I think the reaction will be very, very strong. If I were still a Witness, I would not react kindly when faced with unavoidable evidence that they had intentionally lied to me.
    It will be interesting to see what this turns out to be.

  • ignored_one

    Whatever it turns out to be I'm hoping it leads them to losing their charitable status in the UK and other countries.

  • jeanniebeanz

    This would have to be the total disbanding of the WT to make my father and mother open their eyes. My dad is 85, mom is 75. Their entire lives have been tied up in this cult. I think that even if they were to accept that it was all lies, the heartbreak would kill them, not free them.

    I hope that whatever this turns out to be, it frees those who can be freed. For those who cannot bear to lose their cherished beliefs, I hope that they just hunker down, attribute it to 'Satan' and let the others go without another Inquisition happening.

    If it is bad enough to cause the ranks to break, there will be a trainwreck of divided families, saddened old folks, angry divisions...

    I hate that publishing company with all my heart and want it to fall. It won't do so though without signifant suffering of the 'faithful'.


  • Ticker

    Well its monday, hopefully the anouncement will be soon! Can't wait to find out.


  • TopHat
    2. something that misleads or deceives

    Deceive: 1. ENSNARE; 2. to be false to; 3. CHEAT; 4. to cause to accept as true or valid what is false or invalid; 5. to practice deceit; also: to give a false impression

    syn: DECEIVE, MISLEAD, DELUDE, BEGILE mean to lead astray or frustrate usually by underhandedness. DECEIVE implies imposing a false idea or belief that causes ignorance, bewilderment or helplessness; MISLEAD implies a leading astray that may or may not be intentional; DELUDE implies deceiving so thoroughly as to obscure the truth; BEGILE stresses the use of charm and persuasion in deceiving.

    Hmmmmm, Sounds like a snake in the grass- snake oil salesman- Serpent in the Garden of Eden, etc. etc. etc

  • undercover

    23 pages in two days. Wow. I had to double check to make sure that the date was correct on the start date. I thought maybe it was an old thread being resurrected.

    I hope this is as good as it's getting played up to be. If not, we're going to be more disappointed than all those kids who won't get an X-box 360 for Xmas.

    I'll be checking in hourly to see if the news has broken.

  • City Fan
    City Fan

    I've had no access to a PC this weekend. I come back online today and find this thread!

    Patiently waiting.....


  • Gretchen956

    Barbara has a second calling as a PR person! She has everyone on pins and needles in anticipation!


  • kittyeatzjdubs
    I've had no access to a PC this weekend. I come back online today and find this thread!

    same here. not to be rude...but i hope i'm not getting my @ss tickled w/ a feather here. i mean, is this going to be so big that i might get some if not all of my family back? i clicked on this thread as soon as i logged in this morning and i've been reading it for the past 10 minutes. all i can think of right now is my family...**sigh** don't get me wrong, i know that any small thing to bring the GB down, even if it's just a little, is good...but i've been missing my family more than usual here lately, as i'm sure many if not all of you have w/ the holidays and all.


    luv, jojo

  • Sunspot

    ***Barbara - you are not, no you could not be, no don't tell me...... are you suggesting that the WTBTS could be guilty of LIES?

    Gasp! THUD!!! Picking myself off the floor and feeling devastated over even thinking this is a possibility....

    ***There are few things in this world that infuriate people more than realizing that they have been lied to by someone they trusted. We can accept it when something bad happens. We can accept that not everything in the world turns out peachy all the time. But when we realize that someone we trusted has intentionally deceived us, we rise up in shock and anger. It is a fundamental part of being human.

    EXACTLY SNG! At least that was MY take when I realized that the WTS had cleverly and very deceitfully snuck its way into my heart and re-arranged all my core beliefs. Being TOLD it was "all from God's own lips" didn't seem foolish at all, and I bought EVERYTHING hook, line and sinker. I WAS the shining, robotic and plastic-smiling example of the loyal and obedient JW....until I peeked at the internet.

    As upset as I WAS when I discovered all their hidden secrets and past history of lies and "mistakes" labeled as "food from God", I was MORE angry for me falling for this bull**** for so long. I was furious at them AND myself and left with a very empty feeling.

    I am also hoping this news will hit the "loyal and obedient" ones in much the same way.....not to goat, but to finally SEE once and for all, just what they have been loyal and obedient to!!!

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