why disfellowshipped?

by knothead34 67 Replies latest jw friends

  • ozziepost


    I wouldn't normally respond to such a question, but I think it will add weight if you see the number of replies you get that demonstrate that people are DF for simply expressimng a personal relationship, not with the Organisation, but with Jesus.

    So, let me tell you that Mrs Ozzie and I had ceased being in fellowship with JWs for many months, years, but when the elders learned that we were attending a church we were Dfd within days!

    BTW, attending church and knowing the real Christ has been the most wonderful experience imaginable for us.

    I feel sorry that you've joined up with such a wicked organisation that portrays itself as wonderfully supplying spiritual food, yet in reality only providing the husks of the word as a meal! You'll starve to spiritual death.

  • JustTickledPink

    I was raised as JW.

    Baptized at 11 years of age to please my mom.

    Decided at 19 that I didn't want to be a JW and quit going to all the meetings, did not associate with any JWs, started my own life. Went to college, got a job, got married, got divorced, moved out of the city that my mom lived in and really was doing my own thing.

    Almost 6 years after I quit going to meetings I was disfellowshipped because I answered the phone to 2 elders who requested I go to a judicial committee meeting. When I refused they disfellowshipped me without ever meeting with me, without any evidence, based on my mother telling them I had a boyfriend. There was NO evidence of sin.

    For the record, I was homeschooled, auxilliary and regular pioneered through all my teens and went to pioneer school. I wasn't your average slacker teen.

    Edited to add: Once I was formally disfellowshipped my mother and aunts/cousins/uncles who I didn't have that much contact with to begin with, all quit talking to me. Once the elders place that "label" on you, it's over. In hindsight I should have fought it and made them prove their case, instead I just wanted to be left alone. For 6 years I had nothing to do with that religion and all of the sudden a 'label' changed who I was to them. Very sad indeed to punish someone for a promise made at 11 years of age.

  • rebel8
    So, let me tell you that Mrs Ozzie and I had ceased being in fellowship with JWs for many months, years, but when the elders learned that we were attending a church we were Dfd within days!

    Hi again smartone, knothead. To expand upon what Ozzie said, are you aware of the disparities with the disfellowshipping procedure?

    For example, much is left up to the local elders' discretion. This means a person can be DFd in one cong and a person in the cong next door can do the same thing and not be DFd. Don't forget the KH politics too which play a part in who is punished and who is not. It is not the "heart condition" as they claim, at least not all the time. I personally knew of people who did repent but were still DFd, well outside the guidelines published in the elders' manual.

    Also please be aware that local elders have been known to DF people unjustly. The more you talk to people the more you will learn of ones who have been DFd for things that are not considered DFing offenses, including not attending meetings!

    Another important point which will become increasingly clear to you is that everyone who leaves the JWs (on their own terms or by being kicked out) did not leave because of "immorality". I am one of those people--my reasons for leaving had absolutely nothing to do with "immorality", "peer pressure" or anything of the sort. I chose to leave because I found out it is not God's organization and most of the teachings aren't true.

  • knothead34

    I have been reading the post and I do realize that there are differences in the df cases depending on what KH you go to. I do not agree that everyone that's been df has been done so unjustly. I think that many may be done unjustly, but I am sure that some are df for good reasons. ie. pedofiles(spelling?), unrepentant adulterers, relapsed drug users, etc. Just to name a few that I am aware of in my KH. However, I am sure that many elders and others abuse the rules and df people for more personal reasons. Nothing can be said about that except that one day those people will have to pay for what they have done to the members. I know that "some day" is never soon enough to the hurt one, but is anything ever fair? please keep posting! I do learn from these posts!

  • tijkmo
    Nothing can be said about that except that one day those people will have to pay for what they have done to the members.

    hmmm this is an interesting thought...

    so im df-ed wrongly...as a result of which i lose my faith in a god of justice and the desire to serve him..as a result of this i begin to engage in all sorts of things that the bible condemns..and as a result of this i will be destroyed at armageddon...

    so jehovah holds the elders responsible for my destruction and as they are bloodguilty he destroys them too...but that doesnt save me does it..

    and how can he hold the elders responsible when he hasnt provided any training on how to conduct a judicial commitee...(oh and contrary to popular belief elders do not get training on this at elders schools..i attended loads of them and not once did i see a demonstration of how to handle a commitee..you should ask your local elders if they had them at the latest elders schools)

    so the only possible just outcome would be to forgive everyone...yeah like thats gonna happen

  • knothead34

    people still have the choice to follow God even if they are disfellowshipped and are extremely hurt by the WTS's actions. I would hope that one would not lose complete faith in God and start doing things that the bible(not the WTS) condemns. It's unfortunate if that happens. We are all responsible for ourselves in the end. I think people forget that when they are mad or hurt. People will often go from one extreme(the strictness of organized religion) to the other(all out sinning) because of the control factor of the organization, but that still does not give those people the right to go hog wild against God and biblical principals. Hopefully, if that happened, they would find their way back to the bible. While the WTS definitely can be blamed and held responsible for pushing people away from God with their tactics, people can not blame them forever for their unfaithfulness to God. IMHO which accounts for nothing anyway.

  • tijkmo
    I would hope that one would not lose complete faith in God

    i would hope then that that doesnt happen to you...cos believe me when it does you simply stop caring

  • ozziepost
    start doing things that the bible(not the WTS) condemns

    Excuse me? You're assuming they weren't "doing things that the bible condemns" before (or after) they were DFed..

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