JAY DUBS: Russells Legitimate Children or Rutherford's Bastard Sons?

by Nate Merit 10 Replies latest jw experiences

  • Nate Merit
    Nate Merit

    (I'm posting this because I have read older threads in which the JW's are referred to as Pastor Russell's disciples, his spiritual children, etc. Also, disparaging remarks about Russell here and there. No doubt this topic has been discussed already, but perhaps you would like to join me in another go)

    The JW's are the work of JF Rutherford, in my considered opinion. Most of Russell's followers left the WTBTS behind before "Judge" Rutherford gave his disciples the name Jehovah's Witnesses in 1931. From Wikipedia, the Online "Encyclopedia" :

    "Russell died in 1916, and in the following year, the movement was divided by schisms due to significant doctrinal changes. Those who rejected the changes in organization and doctrine became known as the Associated Bible Students, referring to themselves as simply "Bible Students" to this day. In 1918, a Bible Student convention was held independently of the Watchtower Society. At the second convention, a few months later, the Pastoral Bible Institute was founded and began publishing "The Herald of Christ’s Kingdom". The magazine continues to be published today. By 1928 nearly 75% of Bible Students had fled from the changes in place by Pastor Russell´s successor."The Bible Students still exist in various groups that are very friendly with each other and attend each others assemblies. Since the Bible Students still exist,very much in the same form they existed in Russell's time, in what sense can the JW''s be Russell's progeny? They're not. They're Rutherford's bastard sons and daughters, not Russells legitimate heirs. I had the pleasure of associating with Bible Students quite extensively in Michigan. I found them to be very much like Pastor Russell: warm, friendly, giving, gracious, pleasant, and devout. Not fanatical as many JW's are. (If you dont think its fanatical to let your child die because of something the WTBTS forbids, your thinking is ever so slightly off kilter) Generally speaking (GENERALLY speaking), Bible Students are the opposite, psychologically and behaviorally (as their psychology and behavior relates to their religion, not all facets of life) of Jehovah's Witnesses.

    I was quite fed up with Christendom in general and the ministry in particular at one point and nearly joined the Bible Students. My wife was quite opposed, however, so I shelved that idea.

    Charles Taze Russell was one of the good guys, in my view, but like myself and everyone else on this board he had his faults, failings, and peccadilloes. One can focus on those (Jellyfish! Miracle Wheat!) to the exclusion of the good, or one can focus on a man of great wealth who used his own money to support his religious convictions and endeavors. Unlike todays predatory televangelists who suck their gullible followers dry. Yes, I think of Russell as an early "televangelist" for surely that is what he would be were he alive today. His ministry was mainly (not exclusively) via the mass media of his day, not the down and dirty toil of the pastor of a congregation.

    So please, don't focus bile and ire upon CT Russell. He didn't found "Jehovah's Witnesses" or the autocratic, harsh, merciless, megalomaniacal, and oppressive bORG that messed with our heads and messed up our lives. He would take one look at Rutherford's Monster and disown it, then search for his children, the Bible Students.

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    Don't worry Nate There's enough crap to spread on all of them.

  • Nate Merit
    Nate Merit
    Re: JAY DUBS: Russells Legitimate Children or Rutherford's Bastard Sons?

    Post 7985 of 7985
    since 28-Jun-01

    53 y 5 m 30 d

    Don't worry Nate There's enough crap to spread on all of them.

    Yes, Lady Lee, as there is to spread on all of us here, myself included.

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    True Nate

    But then I don't claim to speak for God

  • Nate Merit
    Nate Merit
    Lady Lee Re: JAY DUBS: Russells Legitimate Children or Rutherford's Bastard Sons?

    Post 7986 of 7986
    since 28-Jun-01

    53 y 5 m 30 d

    True Nate

    But then I don't claim to speak for God

    Dear Lady Lee

    I not only CLAIM to speak for God, I actually DO speak for God! If you like, I will put in a good word for you. She will probably take a shine to you!

    "Cracking myself up since 1953"

  • Nate Merit
    Nate Merit

    Name a Christian sect, and it was likely founded by a man or woman quite convinced they spoke for God, or were "led" by God, or were outright inspired by God. This is certainly not confined to CT Russell, who believed he was on a Mission From God. So, Russell should not be singled out for a special form of vitriol as if he was in an elite category. Christianity is rife with nutjobs dead and alive. Compare CT Russell to a murderous megalomaniac such as Martin Luther, who had entire villages destroyed and hundreds murdered, and Russell begins to positively glow with sanity and humility and goodness. Take any modern fundy or evangelical, and they too believe they are "led" by God, and even inspired by God. ALL of them believe they are on a Mission From God, and that God directs their life via the Holy Spirit and messages from the Bible. So, this is pretty much a standard feature of Protestantism.

    Compare Russell with John Calvin, who had Michael Servetus cooked alive on a spit (and watched him cook) for being a Modalist, and again Russell is a goodly fellow. These are simply two well-known examples.

    Check further into the life and character of Joseph Smith (Revelator Supreme and Founder of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints), or Brigham Young (Joe Smith's successor) and again CT Russell is quite a guy.

    Even if the founder of a Christian sect is "normal" that does not mean they did not believe they were led by God, that they are SOMEBODY SPECIAL in The Divine Plan of the Ages. All Fundys and Evangelicals believe this of themselves.

    The sad part is, you do not recognize that it is MYSELF that holds the TRUE SUCCESSION from the Apostles! I shall rule the EARTH wth a rod of iron! All must learn to lay the piano! You must get your shit together! BWAH HAH HAH HAH HAH!

  • VM44

    Rutherford taking over after Russell died only maintained continuity in terms of who was president of The Watchtower corporation.

    At first, Rutherford tried to show he was the rightful successor to Russell. The whole point of "The Finished Mystery", co-written by the simpleton Clayton Woodworth, was to advertise it as the 7th volume of Russell's Studies in the Scriptures, and hence establish Rutherford as continuing on in Russell's work.

    It is interesting to note that "The Finished Mystery" was written and printed in secret, without knowledge of the editorial board. The news of its release caused some commotion betweeb Rutherford and the members of the editorial committee.

    The publishing of The Finished Mystery resulted in Rutherford and his cohorts, to be tried and convicted (latter overturned) under the Espionage laws.

    Starting around the mid 1920s, Rutherford started to write books and booklets, Russell's books were phased out (although there must have been some stashed away in storage, it has been said that some volumes of Studies in the Scriptures were still available as of 1969!)

    At one convention in the late 1920s, Morton Edgar complained that none of Russell's books were for sale, only those written by Judge Rutherford!

    I would say that by 1929, Russell has essentially been replaced by Rutherford. Rutherford did not like that the members were still being called Bible Students, so in 1931 he created the name "Jehovah's Witnesses" for the religion (which at the time was not called a religion, because all "religion is a a snare and a racket" You got that right Joe!)

    So CT Russell founded The Watcthower Corporation, and the Bible Students, but "Judge" Rutherford after assuming control of The Watchtower, morphed the religion into what is today the "Jehovah's Witnesses"

    Thus, as I stated at the beginning, the only continuity is in who was president of The Watchtower.

    "Judge" Rutherford is the DaDa of the JWs.


  • hillbilly

    Nate..I sorta always felt the same. Russell really just wanted folks to discuss and debate the Bible. I think things got bigger and more complex than his vision ever took him.

    Of course I have plenty of crazy and dont really care to engage any of his offspring myself...Bible Students or not.

    The Judge was a bum.


  • Nate Merit
    Nate Merit

    Hi VM

    Thanks for the additional info about The Finished Mystery. I knew about The Judge going to prison for sedition, but I didn't know it was due to the publishing of The Finished Mystery. I've read the genuine Studies in the Scriptures, but not Rutherford's book.

    How very odd that copies of it would still be available in the late sixties. That would be the time-frame of my own involvement.


  • Nate Merit
    Nate Merit

    Hi Hillbilly

    Thanks for dropping by. I'm glad you see Russell for the reletively harmless fellow that he was.

    Have a great week.


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