Higher Education

by XBEHERE 22 Replies latest jw friends

    I don’t know how you can sit through meetings like that XBEHERE, but it’s always interesting getting reports from behind enemy lines.

    Its not easy...I was hoping to not be serving by new years but I am honestly too chicken to step aside since then I would have to explain it to my wife and I cant stand lying to her anymore about it so I'd have to come clean. In other words the proverbial sh*t will then hit the fan.

  • jstalin

    That 30% statistic is meaningless. A university education is indicative of the ability to apply critical thinking. Most people get experience beyond their degree when they enter the workforce and may decide to change careers, but the knowledge gained during a university education is portable to most jobs.

    My sister got her bachelor's in Criminal Justice, joined the Marines as an officer, and works as an intelligence officer. In fact, most people who join the military with a degree end up working in a field completely different.

  • daniel-p

    XBEHERE you have a pm.

  • rmt1

    Hm. Just for any JWs reading this: a study in how Brooklyn uses adjectives and prepositional phrases.

    Case 1: “a full 30% that go to college dont find employment in the field that they studied in”

    What the hell is a “full 30%”? It’s a misdirection to tacitly imply a practical, tantamount, analogous, might as well be 100%

    Case 2: “30% that go to college dont find employment in the field that they studied in”
    Ibid other posters; also Brooklyn is depending on the JWs assuming that a “field” is a unitary investment of time-labor-money that is not exchangeable for any other goods or field. There may also be a subtle kickback on the term “field” as it is applied to “field service,” i.e., being in “field service” is a “field” of professional development, continuing education, and fulfillment, arrived at by “study,” the type and frequency of and place for which you all know…

    Case 3: “30% that go to college dont find employment in a [professional] field”
    For Brooklyn to say this would be pushing the buttons of the JWs intuition that something is being left out. But maybe not.

    Case 4: “30% that go to college dont find employment”
    Surely, if this were said, the JW would say to themselves, WoW! That certainly is a waste of time! Or possibly even, Huh! Are they sure of their statistics? Why would so many be doing it?

  • JAVA

    “I cant stand lying to her anymore about it so I'd have to come clean.”
    XBEHERE – I see that you’ve been on JWD August ’02, that’s a long time to know that “the Truth” is not the truth, and hold it in. I’m sure that you want to start screaming during many of the meetings, but for the sake of family just keep it in. I did that for some time until it just didn’t work anymore.
    Whatever you do, I wish you the very best. I hope your spouse understands if you dare to be honest. The Truth doesn’t handle honesty very well. :(

  • NeonMadman

    RE the 30% statistic: My wife has a Bachelor's degree in elementary education. She has never taught school, except for her student teaching. She is a documentation writer for a software company. So she is one of the 30% who don't find employment in their field. Nonetheless, she would never have the position she does if she didn't have a four-year degree in something. And she makes almost twice as much as her non-college educated husband (well, I did get an Associates's degree a couple of years ago, but it hasn't had much effect on my career yet - I'm looking, though...).

  • mkr32208

    That's a pretty dumb statistic! How many people go to school for something like "business" how the hell do you not get a job in that field? 100% of people who have a job have a job in "business" of some sort! Even if you clean toilets for a living or are a pioneer your in a "business" of one kind or another! Now if you went to school for say nursing and decided to get in to medical billing instead your still in the "medical field" but not as a nurse but FYI your not getting a job doing medical billing if YOU DIDN'T GO TO COLLEGE TO BEGIN WITH!

    Where did the statistic come from anyway? I used to make up statistics for my talks all the time! Not ONCE did I get called on it! I can say 43.5% of the worlds fresh water is polluted! (hushed AWWWW from audience) or I could say 5 out of every 10 (sounds better than saying half) of all Africans have AIDS! WOOOOOOOO Or 98.9% of French people are dushbags! (one of these statics is right you guess which one!)

    Nobody ever calls these wankers on this crap though! However it was the constant quoting of bull$hit statistics that got several of my friends who I've helped out to start waking up!

  • Pistoff

    The wt is shooting itself in the foot by using this red herring of an argument. It can be skinned even by someone without a college degree.

    And when the average dub realizes that this is not a bona fide reason for not going to school, he will wonder why they keep bringing it up.

    KEEP UP THE LYING AND CRAPPY REASONING, WT. It makes it a lot easier for us apostates to lure the weak from your fold.

  • Golf

    What does the org. really care for, MONEY or EDUCATION?


  • Reefton Jack
    Reefton Jack

    The scariest thing about these such utterances is this:

    - like me as an impressionable 6th Form (i.e Grade 11) student back in 1971, some people will actually believe that crap!

    I presently work on a remote mining site, in an environment that is unsafe from a law and order point of view - and where your health also suffers.

    People frequently ask just why I do this. The answer is actually obvious - try getting a decent job anywhere else, if you haven't a University Degree.

    I feel for my grandaughter, who will be bombarded with this "spirit inspired guidance." (Yeah, I know, I reared my two daughters too well!)


    PS: If any of these Know-all about F##k-all Pompous WT Morons tried to tell me to my face that Higher Education is "no good", I do believe that I might be tempted to do something drastic!

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