mine came safe and sound and will open Christmas morning!!! Also, thanks to everyone in the Christmas card exchange, I really enjoy them and they are hanging on my wall next to my tree. Kids enjoying them as well. They are suprised where they are all coming from! Thanks to the organizers of the Secret Santa and Christmas Card exchange!
Sent off Secret Santa gift!!
by hartstrings 21 Replies latest jw friends
I know the one I sent reached its destination. I appreciated the PM from my SS. Still wondering who my SS is.
Mine's ready to send out tomorrow. Should arrive at destination in Southern US by Friday.
PS: How did I miss the Card Exchange??? I would have really liked to be a part of that, too. This is my first time sending cards. I'm a little nervous because I am sending some to relatives who for 35 years have gotten nothing from me. I have a dinky little 8-person list.
Sent mine out Saturday. Should be there by Wednesday.
However, I have to apologize in advance. I didn't think to wrap it, I just put it in the shipping box with the card. I am so sorry if my SS giftee wanted to wait until Christmas. I guess I didn't give them much of a choice. I hope they like it!
I sent mine off some time ago. Since we're opening these Christmas morning we just have to hope that our victimes received them!! I haven't gotten mine yet, but theres still time! Probably someone hasn't gotten round toit yet!! I did get a lovely Christmas Card from Brenda today though! Thanks, it was a beautiful card, Brenda!
Lady Lee
I think this is the 3rd or maybe 4th year I have participated. It hasn't happened yet that the person I got was the same person with my name.
Sometimes people have specified to wait to open. Others say to go ahead and rip it open
Considering all the excitement waiting for "the news" I think a lot of people will have a hard time waiting
But I guess it depends on how much you want to enjoy Xmas day
Mine went out on Saturday to the US
I wait and I don't shake, rattle, or peek. I love surprises, I love the anticipation, and I just don't want to spoil it! I love Christmas!!! This is a great tradition, I'm glad to be part of it this year.
I'll be sending mine off tomorrow and I'm excited for him cuz I got him something he asked for boy will he be surprised!
I hope he waits until X-mas morning, then he can show off his X-mas gift to all his worldly buds how fun!
Me I'm waiting for X-mas morning to open mine when it comes I love the whole idea of waiting and then waking up early to see what's under the tree for me. I missed that so much as a kid growing up so now I'm going to be the little kid I always wanted to be. I'm old and crazy no one will care, he,hee
Well guess mines not coming from Bikerchick!!!
Mee tooo (kid at christmas!!)
horrible life
Aude_Sapere is it me, is it me!!! I guess I'm southern, I sure do have an accent. I ordered 2 little gifts for my "person". Have only received 1 of them, What if? I don't want to think about it. It would be humiliating. I can't just send what I already have, they would open the package, and put the little thing in the palm of their hand, and just look at it, shaking their head. Got to think positive.
Idea!!! Could we ask Gadget if we could PM him, to tell him to tell our Secret Santa, that the gift arrived?