What about a screenplay? I've often thought a movie or play about Rutherford could be very fascinating.
Would an Book on Rutherford really be worthwhile?
by VM44 19 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
A movie about Rutherford?
Who would be a good actor to play him?
Yes, I think a screenplay would be a better idea. Include Russell in it too. Make it like the Warren Beatty movie of the Russian Revolution. Or Animal Farm. Or Elmer Gantry, or the Apostle. Scenes included could be:Russell preaches before thousands. He denounces the churches, preaches against the Trinity and hellfire, and preaches a kingdom on earth when God will save all mankind. His books are burned. The Miracle Wheat incident. His encounters with other women as told by his wife. They separate. Their divorce trial. Refuses to pay more alimony. The scandalous headlines. He preaches to 5000 Jews in the Hippodrome and supports Zionism. His world tours. The movie-slide show PhotoDrama, 8 hours long, shown around the world. He preaches that Armageddon is approaching. 1914. Macmillan says that this will be his last discourse because he is going home. Russell asks him to preach later, which Macmillan reluctantly is able to do. Russell announces that the Gentile TImes have ended. The Roman toga scene. Russell's death scene in a train. His funeral attended by 1000s. Maria Russell attends. Rutherford's oration, telling that Russell kissed him and told him he loved him. Rutherford, Macmillan, and VanAmburgh conspire together to take over. They plot and manuever behind the scenes. The presidential election - Rutherford only is nominated. Rutherford ousts four Board members. Johnson and the Board argue with Rutherford at the table. He attempts to physically evict Paul S. L. Johnson from Bethel in front of the whole Bethel family. The Finished Mystery. They go to prison. Millions now living will never die. Beth-Sarim. He attempts to take control of the congregations, causing many to leave. He calls them Jehovah's Witnesses. Witnesses die in concentration camps in Germany. Refuse to salute Hitler. More court trials. The Moyle trial. Include scenes of Rutherford at the Bethel table, tongue-lashing others, using vulgar language. His womanizing. His bodyguards. His spy network. Scenes preaching while he is drunk. Hint at alcoholism. His phonograph records. Drinking beer at Bethel. His death scene. His funeral, only four attending.
Anthony Hopkins should star in this movie, find him a role. Who should play Rutherford? Paul S. L. Johnson (Hopkins might be good here)? Russell? Maria Russell?
If you made a movie I would cast Homer Simpson as Rutherford for my first choice. But he probably doesn't drink as much as Rutherford and is a little smarter.
Charlton Heston as Charles Taze Russell.
Anne Baxter as Maria Russell.AB: Oh, Moses, Moses! Why of all men did I fall in love with the prince of fools? Why must you deny me and yourself?
CH: Because I am bound to a God, and to a people, and to a shepherd girl.
AB: A shepherd girl? What can she be to you unless the desert sun has dulled your senses.
Does she grate garlic on her skin or is it soft as mine? Are her lips chafed and dry as the desert sand or are they moist and red like a pomegranate? Is it the fragrance of myrrh that scents her hair or is it the odor of sheep?
CH: There is a beauty beyond the senses, Nefretiri. -
drew sagan
You must bring out how his INFLUENCE is still seen in the organzation to this day. That modern day connection is key to any publication you wish to help others with.
How about Rip Torn for Rutherford. One of the most underated actors out there, IMHO.
A well researched book with some novel info would be useful to all those interested in the history of the WTS thought, how their ideas developped, Rutherford is the real founder of the JWs and the soul of their ideology.
It is the Bible students that are the real Russelites not the JWs though they inherited his printing business.
Though he died it would not be wrong to expose him because he set up an oppresive and lying organisation that continues to victimise many.