It just occurred to me recently. We are told that holy spirit moves to and fro, that there is a source of dynamic energy that never stops etc, so why after 6 creative days, would there be a need to rest?
Why Would the Creater have to rest?
by researcher 19 Replies latest watchtower bible
He didn't rest like we do cuz he's a spirit and they don't sleep and that's why them ghost bastards are always doin shit in the middle of the night and scarin folks!
He only rested in that he sat back (considered his creation),... not that he needed a break. By saying "rest" it gives man an idea of gods doings in a way we can relate.
And furthermore, why did the Bible talk about a "restful odor" that was pleasant to Jehovah when sacrifices were burned on the altar? Was God a barbeque fanatic?
Big Dog
Sure Scully, think of God with one of those aprons on that says, you kill em, I grill em as he presides over hell.
Was God a barbeque fanatic?
Ya crazy ol' broad.....course he was a barbecue fanatic! Donch member when he made Abraham go git the barbecue sause when Sarai cooked him that calf she burnt cookin while eavesdroppin on the conversation goin on outside with the Lord and her hubby? Yer gittin rusty gal
Donch member when he made Abraham go git the barbecue sause when Sarai cooked him that calf
Ohhhhhhh.... for some reason, I thought God told Abraham to go "get sauced"... I didn't know he meant BBQ sauce!!
Love, Scully (I may be a broad, but I'm no where near as old as you are! class)
The first creation story was written by P (5th century author involved with the developing Yahwehist Priesthood). His motivation was to lay literary foundation and rationale for the newly instituteded Sabbath sacrement. He refers to the 'rest' on the 7th day as an etiological rooting for the weekly holyday of rest. The reference to the use of 'wind' aka 'spirit' was typical of creation stories of the region. God used wind to order the shifting chaos into the earth.
Yah, but jesus said that both he and god were still working. What gives? I know that jesus worked for a while as a carpenter, until he got into drugs. But was god g jobbing, like those bethelights, while he gave his chosen people another story?
The late Watchtower society when they werer once a powerful empire....always said that god had rested only from his "creative works" ...not working entirely. Satanus is juat tryin to debuct gods martyred people!
Satanus is juat tryin to debuct gods martyred people!
I'm not that prevorted.