Do you vote?

by MsMcDucket 41 Replies latest jw friends

  • mrsjones5

    I vote and have been voting for about 17 years now. When my sister and I were in college we would go out and vote together, now my husband and I go. We even take the kids. It's kinda nice to go voting and meet other people in our district at the voting station.

    Alot of voting stations are in churches so even if a jw wanted to they probally wouldnt go voting in a church for fear of melting

    And no I dont think the governments are being run by satan but I think the society is

  • oldflame


    You don't vote ? well explain to me why as the bible clearly say's that God created the governments. He created the government in order to rule and we were also commanded to follow the laws that the government make. I see no scriptural references that say we should not vote, that is just one of those control issues that the wtbs use against their members. I hope that I never hear you complain about your government.

    Yes I vote because it is important to me who is running my country. I didn't vote for who is in office now and I am bothered by the fact that I have a creep running my country right now, but thats okay he opnly has a few more years and then he will never reign in our office again. On that day when bushy boy leaves I am going tohave a coming out party. Any of you all want to come let me know.........

  • defd

    well explain to me why as the bible clearly say's that God created the governments.

    I missed that scripture. Where does it say that?


  • oldflame

    defd, Romans 13 verse 1, Everyone must submit himself to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God.2 Consequently, he who rebels against the authority is rebelling against what God has instituted, and those who do so will bring judgement on themselves. V:6 This is also why you pay taxes, for the authorities are Gods servants, who give their full time to governing.

  • carla

    People who don't vote do not have the right to complain about the condition of things. You have a chance to make some kind of difference by who you put in office. Therefore the jw's should just shut up about 'this old system of things'. As they do nothing to improve the world. Going around proclaiming the end of the world does not improve living conditions for anyone. People still have to live in this world until 'the end' does come, whatever that end is or you think it is. Daniel was involved in politics, according to the jw's he would be df'd today.

  • oldflame

    defd read my return post above carla beat me to the list

  • gumby

    Actually DFed, it says "they are god ministers" appointed by him. Your braindead mind refuses to see of biblical bible hero's who were involved politically and had your dear Jehovahs approval. The reason you are unaware of tht scripture is because the rulers of the scriptures ( the WTBTS), never quote or list scriptures they aren't interested in. I'll bet you know what Matt. 24:14 says though......doncha?

    Me,,, I've never voted and probably never will. I hate politics. I don't follow politics. Politicians are liars and I have a hard time promoting liars.

    I'm glad not all are like me. We need voters and we need people to become involved to make change for the better.....I'm just not one of those.


  • defd

    Let every soul be in subjection to the superior authorities, for there is no authority except by God; the existing authorities stand placed in their relative positions by God

    Jehovahs ALLOWS the Government to exist. He did not set them up!


  • CountryGuy

    Yes. I vote in EVERY election.

    In fact, today is a special election the Gov. called for two bond issues (one for hwys and the other for higher education). I'm about to shower and head off to the Baptist Church where my polling place is. Hmmmm... voting in a Baptist Church on an issue in favor of higher education... man the JWs would just HATE that all the way around.

    CountryGuy of the "Not sure how I'm going to vote on the other" Class

  • oldflame


    Gumby is right you are braindead only to what the wtbs tells you, you better read your bible a little more. God created the governments and it is as plain as day light in the scriptures, but then I just quoted scripture to you where it plainly said that God created the governments and you just blindly passed right over your darn brain. I call that braindead...........

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