I was gone for a few days and when I came back today, I found a letter in my mailbox.
Basically it's a friendly letter asking me to come back to the congregation. In his letter he says, I tried to contact you often but couldn't. I know it's not easy trying to be a witness when no one in your family is a witness. Then he said to read 2 chronicles 15:2 and meditate on it.
2 Consequently he went out before A´sa and said to him: “Hear me, O A´sa and all Judah and Benjamin! Jehovah is with YOU as long as YOU prove to be with him; and if YOU search for him, he will let himself be found by YOU , but if YOU leave him he will leave YOU .
Then he said Jehovah and Jesus and the whole congregation would be very happy if you came back.
Signed: Your brother yadda yadda