Notice that he gave no reply after I responded to all his questions.
Does "science" really contradict the Bible?
by booker-t 20 Replies latest jw friends
Science does not contradict the Bible. That is, if you know how to interpret the Bible properly, in accordance with what the Bible itself teaches us about how to use it. It is only relatively recently that many religions have forgotton what the Bible really teaches us about itself.
Notice that he gave no reply after I responded to all his questions
Maybe he didn't see your reply. (I didn't until now) To get the ball rolling, I'll take one point:
As to numerous animals in the ark, so what of it? Representatives of land animals went into it; water animals didn't need to.
There are various types of water animals. Some require salt water and die in fresh water. Others require fresh water and die in salt water. Some require a specific, narrow temperature range.
All of these water animals would have been sloshed together into one big semi-salty, probably quite hot, common environment. Only the hardiest species would have survived, if any at all. And yet they are all still here.
I agree, jaffacake. Succinctly stated, too. An art I could learn a lot about.
AuldSoul -
Yes the bible agrees with science if you read it with your fingers in your ears screaming "NAH NAH NAH NAH NAH NAH"
Idiotic question. Of course the bible doesn't agree with science! Just like opening the top of your head with a table saw and stirring your brains with a stick doesn't agree with modern surgical methodology!...
Give me a break, bible and science! What next, "does Thor really make lightning?"
It would be impossible to build an ark out of only wood, with 6000 yr old technology of size `indicated in the Bible. There is plenty of evidence to prove a global flood never happened- ice core borings have been drilled way over 250,000 yrs in several places - Greenland, Russia, Antarctica. For some reason a flood of 40 days didn't melt all this ice? Right- keep those dark glasses on if it makes you feel better..
Is it possible that there was an incredibly horrible local flood? Yes. The more likely scenario is that these stories are attempting to communicate something without written word that no longer had any physical parallels to draw from. It was some time, after all, before they were put to a written record.
How were the great structures of the ancients built? Do we really know what their technology was like?
Was it a world-wide flood? No. Did every type of animal all over the world climb into a wooden vessel for a 100 day boat ride? No. Did something significant happen in the history of early modern-humanity that knocked them backward a few years? Yes.
Does "science" contradict Homer's The Illiad or Odyssey? In my opinion, no. Does it contradict Asimov's Foundation series? In my opinion, no.
Am I saying I believe the Bible is just a work of fiction? Far from it. And anyone who thinks that is what I am saying doesn't know how highly I regard Homer and Asimov.
:I have never heard what Christians feel about science and the bible.
Christians believe in fantasy, not facts.
: Do they contradict? Is my science professor correct when he feels that the bible is full of errors?
Yes. A million times over. Here's a simple example: Joshua asked Jehovah to make the SUN stand still over night so he could finish one of the many puny and stupid little Israelite wars. God complied and made the SUN stand still so as to furnish Joshua with more DAYLIGHT. The only problem with this deal was that the sun did not revolve around the earth, but vice versa; so making the sun stand still would not make any more daylight. Making the earth stop rotating on its axis would have let Joshua finish his stupid little war (why couldn't he have waited until the 'morn, anyway?), but would have created havoc all over the other civilizations that were not a part of Joshua's little petty bullshit war.
Has not science proved that the sun did in fact stand still some day in the distant past? Or am I wrong on this.
Has not science proved that the sun did in fact stand still some day in the distant past? Or am I wrong on this.
You're wrong, I'm afraid. It's a lie that's been spread both deliberately and unintentionally by those with a desire to believe such things. See for a detailed debunking.