For those outside NYC that stands for Down Under the Manhattan Bridge Overpass.
It's an up and coming area in which the Society pulled building permits for 4 twenty story residence buildings with a connecting atrium and underground parking. The permits were pulled last year about this time (much to the annoyance of the locals) and when inquiries were made of local Bethelites the word on the street became "the governing body hasn't decided whether or not to go through with the project." (we don't have the money)
With the Society directing that all checks for hurricane relief be directed to the worldwide work and the Awake being printed monthly, all of the sudden there is the first of 4 twenty story towers going up. All with no mention of the project to the R&F. While the bros in Africa are meeting in grass huts, the elite are building townhouses for themselves with million dollar views of lower Manhattan. Interestingly another building in the area is advertising 1 bedroom condos for 650,000
Vow of poverty indeed.