It was a comment that Defd made today that did it, he got me thinking!! (Thanks, Defd.)
It was one of those spoiling type of comments, oh okay Derrick, here 'tis:
Lt you oughta know WHY he recieved the Spirit before being baptised. You were an elder once right?
But I started thinking, was there anything, just one thing, the WTS taught us that was actually true?
I remember Mrs Ozzie saying at our recent get-together at the Apostates' Restaurant that coming out of the dubs was like, "everything that was wrong, is now right and everything that was right is now wrong"!
So, what do you think? What's been your experience?
What things they teach are actually the truth?
Go on, name just one thing.
Eager eyes are waiting!
Ozzie (permanently upside-down class)