When trying to predict what will or will not happen one needs to look at history, and facts of human nature.
1. If a single lawyer thinks he/she can make a single dime suing the WT using this legal argument, HE/SHE WILL SUE!
I think it is extremely likely that a law suit will be brought up soon.
2. If a single news outlet thinks they can make a single dime telling this story, they WILL TELL THE STORY!
I think this is where it is our responsibility to do everything we can to make the above extremely likely pending lawsuit known to the press.
3. If any lawyer wins a single dime in a law suit against the WT, all the other lawyers will notice this and THEY WILL SUE!
4. If any news outlet makes a dime selling this story, all the other news outlets will notice and THEY WILL TELL THE STORY!
5. If a tipping point is reached where enough legal and journalistic scrutiny is brought to bear ALL THE WT LIES WILL BECOME COMMON PUBLIC KNOWLEDGE.
Think Jim and Tammy Faye Bakker.
So is this big news? Will this do damage to the wt? Will it free the minds of our loved ones? Unquestionably there is an opportunity here.
Only time will tell.