The only way the 'Big News' can work, in that it causes the R and F to stop and think and the WTBTS to begin to crumble, is that it is tested in court....but not only with the JWs medical mis representation but through their 'Biblical Doctrine' misrepresentation and then, only by using their own bible, the NWT. JWs do not refuse blood because of the blood booklet but because of the apparant prohibition of blood in the Bible. There are many esteemed Biblical scholars who would be able to beat the crap out of the WTBTS doctrinal view on blood. They too, would only really matter if the two, the Biblical Doctrine and the Medical misrepresentation were put together to prove the WTBTS to be the charlatans that they are.
Now THAT would be BIG NEWS! You can't have the one with out the other if you want to put the puzzle together and really get the world, including the JWS rank and file to see the 'big picture.'
Even then, you would still have to respect the views of any JW who still wanted to refuse blood or blood products. They have the right to say NO, but only once they are honestly, truthfully and fully informed on the facts.