Those of us who are in the ranks of dedicated witnessess what are you doing or plan to do to influence the world around you spiritaully? Like swelling our ranks or being a personal demonstration of the truth?
How are you influencing the world spiritually?
by nakedheartpoet 13 Replies latest jw friends
everyone influences the world around them, either they make it better or they make it worse.
what a bizarre question.
I think you take on a huge responsibility when you influence people. There was a time in my life when I felt I was sure of the facts, and I took on the privilege (as I saw it) to influence people full time.
However, what when your beliefs change?
What seeds have you sewn in peoples minds? It is not simply the concept of "waisting YOUR time", it is the affect you have had on people's lives.
That is why even now, I try to simply state how I feel, rather than tell people I'm right.I was too far out... and not waving but drowning - Stevie Smith
True, to some extent we do automatically influence the world around us but as the question insinuates this influence is for a specific purpose not an idle one. I to take it very seriously when we speak to people all over the world and potentially affect the way they think with regard to spirituality. I don't believe in telling it, I believe in what makes sense and demostrate that sense the best way I can.
Nathan Natas
On a spiritual level I'm massaging the breasts of that hot chick on that TV show. Physically though, I'm just sitting on the crapper taking a dump.
I'm glad I recognize the importance of my spiritual activity.
D wiltshire
I'm having a hard time trying to figure out what your trying to say.
Can you please give me a little more idea what your trying to say? -
My personal insight here, is that if more people would hum Barry Maniloe tunes as they went about, the world would be a better place.
Mommie Dark
I influence the world spiritually by playing good music real loud so the whole neighborhood can share it with me.
I also spend a lot of time debunking and exposing various cults, particularly the Jehovah's Witness cult, since it is one of the most dangerous mind controlling groups and I know a whole lot about them. This is a wonderful spiritual service to the world. It makes me proud and happy to be of such service to humanity.
I started humming Mandy to a guy who was about to mug me and instead he gave me flowers.