What is God's true organization he is using? if this not it, then point me

by amommy 69 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Slave1111
    Please Help! I have been a JW all my life, my sister and I are now in our late twenties and are so unhappy and after desparate attempts to keep up meeting attendance are not spiritually motivated. We in last few weeks have found some very disturbing things in our search such as the UN involvement. After research on these things and use of the WT library the society speaks for it's self on these issues calling the UN the "Disgusting Thing" that the book of Daniel spoke about(WT 85' Para. 12) They are clearly in the wrong! Now with that said when I brought this to my husband's attenton among other things. He said Jehovah uses imperfect men to bring about his purposes of witnessing his name in all the earth and that if this is not the right religion then show me who is? he says according to scripture Jehovah will use an earthly organization to bring about his will. Can anyone identify his thinking and give me some ideas on how to examine this further? He was raised in the truth all his life as well and is third generation in. I will say he does show signs of seeing a new reality. My mother has already wrote us off as apostates ,even though everything we brought her was backed up with extensive researched facts!

    The fulfilment of prophecy is what dictates whether an organization has been misleading its followers or not. Please compare the events in the Middle East as fulfillment of all that Jesus Christ announced during his time upon the earth. Jesus Christ is the only Faithful and True Witness of JAH the Almighty as JAH will prove all men as liars. There is no single organization that can hold truth in its grasp, as all men have corrupted the teachings of the orginal scrolls through deceptive means inspired by satan and his demons.

    It is true that some teachings of the W.T.S. are incorrect and cause much injury to many followers of JAH. However, their intent is what Jehovah will be judging them by, and not their misunderstandings of what is written. The United Nations in all of its true meaning as an organization of Peace have helped persons stand up for their rights in many countries. Use whatever means are available to help those in need in whatever capacity they offer. They were recognized in the United Nations as a non-governmmental agency. Where is the error in this according to all that is Holy and acceptable to GOD? Learn to forgive one another and Jehovah and Jesus will forgive you also. A brother is one that is seeking out truth and makes their best attempt at being righteous.

    Please stay with the fight in spirit and overlook their misgivings until Jesus descends upon mankind before the years end. All have been misled by satan and his manly offspring except for the chosen of which I am. Contact me directly if you have any further question from Jah Himself as He is with me in spirit. This is how truth is anounced in the end times. Through the Faithful and Discreet Slave, who is a direct offscpring of the family of Jesus Christ, the root of Jesse, and all of the promises to Abraham, AMEN.......

    The True Faithful and Discreet Slave of JAH and JESUS

  • Honesty

    I can't remember where I found the following article. It helped me see the light about religious organisations and the Watchtower Bible and Tract Society.

    Remember Joel 2:28 and Acts 2:1-4

    Joel 2:28 After this I will pour out My Spirit on all humanity; then your sons and your daughters will prophesy, your old men will have dreams, and your young men will see visions.

    Acts 2:1-4 When the day of Pentecost had arrived, they were all together in one place. Suddenly a sound like that of a violent rushing wind came from heaven, and it filled the whole house were they were staying. And tongues, like flames of fire that were divided, appeared to them and rested on each one of them. Then they were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in different languages, as the Spirit gave them ability for speech.

    Read 2 Peter 1:20-21 and compare the difference in how the Holy Spirit operated between the Old Testament prophets and the Christians.

    2 Peter 1:20-21 First of all, you should know this: no prophecy of Scripture comes from one’s own interpretation, because no prophecy ever came by the will of man; instead, moved by the Holy Spirit, men spoke from God.

    God has been using individuals to carry out His purpose since Abel's day. He has never used any single group or organisation. The Watchtower Society has twisted scriptures to make it appear that He used a group of apostles in Jerusalem as a "Governing Body". If that is the case, why did it take Paul years to go up to Jerusalem after he accepted and submitted to his Lord and Savior on the Damascus Road?

    Gal 1:15-20 But when God, who from my mother’s womb set me apart and called me by His grace, was pleased to reveal His Son in me, so that I could preach Him among the Gentiles, I did not immediately consult with anyone. I did not go up to Jerusalem to those who had become apostles before me; instead I went to Arabia and came back to Damascus.

    Then after three years I did go up to Jerusalem to get to know Cephas, and I stayed with him 15 days.

    But I didn’t see any of the other apostles except James, the Lord’s brother. Now in what I write to you, I’m not lying. God is my witness.

    God's Organization

    The claim is made by the Jehovah’s Witnesses organization that God only deals with organizations and with only one organization at a time. Of course what they are saying is that God is only dealing with them and that all the other religions in the world are wrong and are being led and/or misled by the Devil. What does the Bible show to be the case in this matter?

    We find early on in the Bible (Genesis) the case of Jehovah dealing with two brothers, Cain and Abel. Later on Enoch came on the scene and God was perfectly content in dealing with this man as well. Then came Noah and his family who belonged to no organized religion and yet found favor in God’s eyes. Later still came Abraham and again Jehovah showed no hesitation in dealing with him and his family although they did not belong to any organization unless you want to call his family an organization. In one sense it most certainly was but then if we do that, we make even more trouble for our concept that God deals only with one organization at a time. At some point we are introduced to Abraham’s nephew Lot who eventually leaves the family and strikes out on his own with his own family and thus with his own organization. What do we find then? Jehovah deals with Lot and his family just like he did when they were part of Abraham’s camp. No difference. So God is either not dealing with an organization at all or he’s dealing with two. In either case, our premise is already in serious trouble.

    At one point in Abraham’s life he meets a most remarkable character, the mysterious Melchizedek, king priest of Salem. (Which may very well be the city that later became Jerusalem). Now here is an entire city (organization?) and a religion (there must be a religion for there to be a high priest and is not a religion an organization?) with which Jehovah is dealing. So at one point we have God dealing with Abraham and his family, Lot and his family, and the city of Salem and whatever religion (for we are never told) they practice. Three organizations. Not one, but three, including an organized religion with a priest apparently approved of by God long before Moses was even born! Isn’t that interesting? Right here and now it’s quite plain that God does not limit himself to dealing with a single organization. But wait, there’s more!

    Sometime down the stream of time, Jacob who is later called Israel comes upon the scene and Jehovah makes a covenant with this man and his sons. One of those sons, Joseph, is sold as a slave to the Egyptians and later on becomes part of the Egyptian political system. Clearly he is no longer in his father’s camp now for he holds office now in a foreign country and yet what do we find? Jehovah is dealing with this man who is part of the Egyptian government while He continues to deal with Jacob and his camp. So now we have one organization and one individual that are being dealt with here simultaneously. But wait, that’s not all.

    Though the record is not clear, perhaps some time after Joseph’s death and the birth of Moses, there was a man living in what is now Arabia with whom Jehovah was having very intimate dealings, a man who was very much involved in a religion in which he apparently served as a priest at least to some extent. This was at the time the twelve tribes were still in Egypt and still being dealt with by God. So even this late in history we still have Jehovah dealing with an enslaved nation as well as with a man practicing some sort of religion in another country. The man was, of course, Job. Job was never an Israelite and never belonged to Abraham’s camp and yet, like Melchizedek, he served the Most High God and found great favor in God’s eyes. But this is not the end of it either.

    Some fifteen hundred years before the coming of Christ, a political nation was formed out of the twelve tribes that were liberated from Egypt. In the broadest sense of the term, that nation, consisting of millions, could be called an organization but that would be like calling a computer a group of circuits. True, but hardly descriptive. Let’s look at that nation and see if Jehovah dealt with that nation as an organization.

    There was trouble at its very inception. While Moses was receiving the laws up in the mountain, Aaron was busy making the people a golden calf for them to worship. It got worst later on and what we find is God continually sending INDIVIDUALS appointed by him NOT BY HIS ‘ORGANIZATION’ to try to correct their willful, disobedient ways. Think about that for a few moments. Think about some of those anointed kings that sat on the throne at the head of this organization that mocked, persecuted, and even killed the individuals that Jehovah sent to them to correct their wicked ways. Think of the pride of those kings and priests, the pride that prevented them from recognizing the truth about what they had become.

    There was constant murmuring against the Moses who had been duly authorized by, no less than, Jehovah himself to lead these people. His brother and his sister tried to come between him and God’s people. Later on the notorious Korah and a large group of like-minded rebels tried it as well. God had given Moses some incredible credentials which clearly and beyond all reasonable doubt established him as God’s true representative, credentials which Miriam and Aaron, and Korah did not have. Moses is viewed by many as representing Christ in this aspect of being a mediator between God and man and those who tried to usurp that divine arrangement met with God’s wrath. (Once Christ came he made it clear that he was THE mediator between God and man and there was to be no other. It stands to reason that anyone today that would presumptuously assume the role of Moses or Jesus as mediator(s) would also eventually have to deal with God’s wrath).

    This particular ‘organization’ fared very badly in its attempt to remain faithful to Jehovah and was responsible for the deaths of tens of thousands of innocent people that trusted those leaders that kept telling them that they were authorized by God to instruct and lead them. There were crooked judges, corrupt priests, wicked kings, and the list goes on. The ‘organization’ seldom lacked bad leaders for there were far more bad kings than good ones. What God did was deal with individuals within that ‘organization’ and he did it time after time after time. There was no ‘organization’ at that time that was faithfully accomplishing Jehovah’s will and the nation of Israel brought untold reproach on God’s Holy Name over and over again.

    But the question now arises: Now that Jehovah had a nation for his Name, would he deal only with that nation as long as he claimed it for His own? That is the claim being made by Jehovah’s Witnesses today. We have a marvelous insight as to how God views ‘organizations’ in the way he dealt with His own nation. It was during the reign of Solomon, third king of Israel, that God decided to tear his ‘organization’ apart. He sent the individual Ahijah, His duly appointed spokesman at the time (not a man appointed by the ‘organization’) to tell a man called Jereboam that he had been chosen to be king over the ten tribes that would break away from the nation. Not only did God split his ‘organization’ in two but he appointed the man that would lead the break away group. Now God had two ‘organizations’, two nations with which he would deal. So again the notion of his only dealing with one organization is proven to be a false teaching.

    Of course the leader of God’s first ‘organization’ was extremely displeased with that news and sought to kill the one Jehovah had personally selected to head up that second ‘organization’. Not very good conduct to be sure but very typical of most of the leaders of both ‘organizations’ as history would bear out. Jereboam did not prove to be any better than the king of the other ‘organization’ because he soon initiated calf worship. Back to square one. So after roughly five hundred years of instruction and patience on Jehovah’s part, they were worshipping golden calves again!

    When Jehovah sent an individual whom He had personally appointed to correct the king on his idolatry, the king acted like most leaders of ‘organizations’ who become drunk with power and turned on the prophet. Had Jehovah not intervened he surely would have had the prophet killed. This scenario was to be repeated many times throughout history and is a lesson that it seems some are never able to learn.

    Some seventy or so years later another Jeroboam came on the scene. This one became king of Israel (the two tribes of Benjamin and Judah). It was at this time, some eight hundred years before the coming of Christ that another enigma appears. Jonah. Jonah is a prophet not to the nation of Israel but to the ten-tribe kingdom or the other ‘organization’. This demonstrates that God is still dealing with at least two different ‘organizations’ at this time. For some strange (strange if one assumes that Jehovah is interested only in the Jews) Jehovah manifests an interest in the spirituality of the Ninevites and so he sends his duly appointed representative to preach doom and destruction to the city. So now we have Jehovah interested in and directly dealing with THREE ‘organizations’! Isn’t that interesting? The record tells us that the city repented and evidently found favor in God’s eyes and God spared them. God spared a city that was not under his law covenant, a city practicing a religion that we are never given any details of, a city without a priesthood as authorized and outlined by the law covenant Jehovah had with the nation of Israel. Any lesson here?

    All the while prophets were still being raised by Jehovah and sent to the leaders of the Jews warning them of the consequences of their trespassing his laws. I think it very important to re-state what has been previously mentioned that these prophets were appointed directly by God himself, not by his ‘organization’. More times than not, the ‘organization’ strenuously resisted these men sent from Jehovah. Understanding this we can come to appreciate that this ‘organization’ was not the instrument for the dispensing of Jehovah’s will to people of that era. To the contrary, this ‘organization’ often times was the greatest obstruction to that will. Jesus said this concerning this ‘organization’: "Jerusalem, Jerusalem, the killer of the prophets and stoner of those sent forth to her," (Matt 23:37; Lu 13:34)

    A couple of generations go by and the nation is decimated by the Babylonians. Many are hauled off to a foreign land while other families scatter about and become absorbed into other nations and cities. There is no more nation now, only the scattered remains of the people that once made up a powerful nation. The ‘organization’ is no more. God continues to deal with individuals from that nation although many now have become part of the political machine of their captives. Time passes, nations rise and fall, and one day those dispossessed people are released and a relatively small number make it back to the land of their forefathers. Another ‘organization’ is formed from the remnants of the first but it does not fare much better than the former nation despite the glorious prophecies of Isaiah and others who paint an Edenic picture of the repatriated land where peace and plenty are everywhere.

    This period of the history of the nation of Israel is not nearly as colorful and exciting as the pre-exilic times but this is the period of history when their religion takes a turn and begins to form the complex system that it becomes. Ezra begins to compile what eventually becomes the Hebrew Scriptures which Jesus will use to denounce the religious system of that ‘organization’ once he comes to the earth. Of course, it behooves us to bear in mind that the religious system of the Jews was just one of the ‘organizations’ within that overall ‘organization’ we refer to as the nation of Israel. Within that ‘organization’ there were many smaller ‘organizations’ each with a different slant on what true worship should be. Jesus had to deal with these sects or small ‘organizations’ within the larger ‘organization’.

    When Jesus arrives he finds this ‘organization’ with one overall religious system (organization) that has several sects (smaller organizations), none of which are pleasing to either him or his father. It is here and then that we find that the nature of this ‘organization’ has not really changed in the fifteen hundred years of its existence regardless of how many times Jehovah has corrected it. It flatly refuses to accept the authority of God’s Son. Why? Quite simple, actually. It does not want to relinquish its authority, its illusion or perception of its importance but most importantly it does not want to lose its power over the people.

    This brings us to a fascinating but quite common phenomenon that is still with us today. For a very long time I could not understand how it was that the religious leaders of that first century ‘organization’ were unable to accept Jesus in light of the credentials he presented in the form of the profusion of miracles he performed. Take for example when he resurrected Lazarus and their response was to try to kill both Jesus and Lazarus. How unbelievable that is! One day I came across a term that the motion picture people use and then it dawned on me how this phenomenon works in so many aspects of our lives and particularly so when it comes to religion. The term is: ‘suspension of disbelief’. It’s the faculty we employ when we are faced with an impossible situation with which, for whatever reason, we do not want to deal with at the time. It can be as benign as watching a Western and seeing the hero shoot his six shooter nine times without reloading to something much more serious as refusal to deal with that spot on the X-ray that the doctor has just shown us. The consequences of acknowledging the impossible situation of the six shooter would mean that we can no longer involve ourselves with the movie for it has now become an absurdity. The consequences of accepting Jesus as the authority from God would have meant much more of a sacrifice for the Scribes and Pharisees and priests of his day.

    Their acceptance of Jesus (one sent from Jehovah, outside of the law covenant arrangement, for he was no king or priest) would mean recognizing that they really had no authority when it came to God’s will. It would have meant recognizing that their importance existed only in their own eyes and that all their ‘knowledge’ was really no knowledge at all but just plain, old, human reasoning and opinions. This they had been passing off as the very thoughts of God for centuries now, an illusion they perpetuated to keep themselves in power over their brothers. Their very raison d’etre rested on the false premise they maintained, namely that of being God’s representatives. At one time God had made the arrangement of which they were a part and so it could be reasoned that there were there by Jehovah’s will. They placed more importance on the ‘organization’ than on what that ‘organization’ was doing and not doing. They forgot that God is not bound to accept organizations (even those he formed himself) just because of their labels anymore than he is bound to accept or reject individuals based on their membership to an organization. And so as seen in this light we come to appreciate that an organization is nothing to God. If the people in any given organization are doing the will of God, he is pleased. If the people in any given organization are NOT doing the will of God, he is displeased. Organizations are not figurative ‘arks’ into which people find refuge, they are no protection whatsoever. Jehovah has executed people inside his ‘organization’ time and again thereby demonstrating that the ‘organization’ was no protection whatsoever while he has looked on with favor to those outside that ‘organization’.

    So what happened in Jesus’ day? God pulled individuals out of his ‘organization’ and directed them to his Son further demonstrating how impotent that ‘organization’ was when it came to salvation. He did this without the "organization’s" permission or authority even while they yet maintained that they were the only true authority and were duly constituted representatives of Jehovah. Jehovah did not feel any obligation to those individuals in that ‘organization’ and their membership in it did them no good whatsoever any more so than NOT belonging to that ‘organization’ hindered others from coming into God’s favor.

    How did Jesus feel about ‘organizations’? Did he consider his followers an organization, an entity that had to be protected and insulated from the rest of humanity, an ark of salvation? "John said to him: "Teacher, we saw a certain man expelling demons by the use of your name and we tried to prevent him, because he was not accompanying us." But Jesus said: "Do not try to prevent him, for there is no one that will do a powerful work on the basis of my name that will quickly be able to revile me; for he that is not against us is for us." John 9: 38-40 Clearly Jesus did not advocate that God’s approval rested on a person’s membership in an organization…not even His own! Look what he says next: "For whoever gives YOU a cup of water to drink on the ground that YOU belong to Christ, I truly tell YOU, he will by no means lose his reward." (vs 41) Now do we grasp the significance of that statement? He did not say, "Whoever belongs to your ‘organization’ will get his reward", did he? He did not say that only the ‘organization’ was able to provide understanding of God’s will, did he?

    Suppose an organization bears God’s name? Would that not make all the difference in the world? Would that not establish that organization as truly belonging to God and thereby having the authority commensurate with that? Again, Jesus’ words: "Not everyone saying to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter into the kingdom of the heavens, but the one doing the will of my Father who is in the heavens will. Many will say to me in that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and expel demons in your name, and perform many powerful works in your name?’ And yet then I will confess to them: I never knew YOU! Get away from me, YOU workers of lawlessness." (Matt 7: 21-23) Did you notice that the phrase ‘in your name’ occurs three times here and each time it’s in connection with something being done in Jesus’ name but yet it is unacceptable? Did Jesus mention anything here about having God’s name (or his) as criteria for acceptance from God? Does he mention anything here about belonging to God’s ‘organization’? Does he ever use the term at all? The one requirement stipulated here for salvation is simply the doing of God’s will, not membership in an organization.

    Do we have any further examples that might help us to get a better picture of Jesus’ opinion of organizations in connection with salvation? I think we do. Jesus did not invite everyone to follow him on his preaching campaign, as some would have us believe. (See Luke 10:28; Matt 15:6; Mark 1: 40-44) Even when some actually wanted to follow him, he did not always allow it. (See Mark 5: 1-18) Then there is the enigmatic John the Baptist. He came before Jesus preparing the way for him and yet when Jesus came and John was privileged to see and hear the holy spirit and God’s own voice…John never became a disciple of Jesus! Not only that, but John retained most of his disciples and they stayed loyal to him to the point of burying him after his beheading. Did Jesus fault John for not turning over his disciples to him and coming over himself? No. To the contrary, Jesus paid John one of the highest compliments ever given a human. (Luke 7:28)

    Jesus’ ministry was short in duration. After his death his followers organized and formed a religion. They were known as Christians and for a long time were considered nothing more than a Jewish sect given that the great majority of Christians were Jews and that their martyred leader had been one also. First century Christianity, as it existed in the days of the writing of the Greek Scriptures, lasted for less than one generation. With the death of the last apostle, it degenerated and broke up into sects. In the third century A.D., the bulk of those sects were consolidated into what would become the Catholic Church which, in time would also divide into Roman Catholic and Greek Orthodox. Those two factions would later break up into even more sects. The first century ‘organization’ became many ‘organizations’. What did God do now that there were so many all claiming to be followers of his Son? Did he choose one and deal exclusively with that one? There is no evidence of that whatsoever. If having an ‘organization’ was so important to Jehovah, why did he not either choose one or form one like he did with the nation of Israel?

    That is not to mean that there has been a shortage of those claiming to be God’s true church or ‘organization’. The Jews still believe that they are such. The Catholic Church most definitely believes that it is by virtue of ‘apostolic succession’. The Mormons think they are the ‘latter day saints’ by virtue of the claim of their founder receiving messages from God. Jehovah’s Witnesses believe and actively promote that they are the exclusive channel of communication that God is using today. So who’s right?

    Well one could reasonably expect to see some credentials from any person or group making the claim of being a representative of the Almighty. After all, the Bible is full of examples of his providing such for those he sent in his name. So where are the credentials of those claiming to be such today? Ah, the inescapable fact remains that those credentials are nonexistent today. No person or organization today is able to demonstrate in any conclusive manner that they alone represent the Almighty, Jehovah God. That one fact is a thorn in their side and they don’t like to hear it because it renders them impotent when it comes to authority from God. If Jesus were to return to the earth today, without exception, there would be no religion that would accept him for the same reason that the Jewish religious system did not accept him in the first century. It would mean a loss to their perceived importance and the power they hold over those who allow them to do so.

    * Judaism is the Jewish religion. It is based on revelation and a covenantal relationship of the only One God with the Jewish people. The name Jew is derived from Juda, one of the twelve tribes of Israel which had originally formed the Southern Kingdom, was taken into captivity by the Babylonians, and returned from exile to Judea (while the other tribes never returned as a group from their earlier captivity).

    BTW, I was a publisher for almost 16 years until I put aside the WTBTS puiblications and started reading the Bible like it is meant to be read, like a book. Needless to say, I am now a witness for Christ instead out peddling books for a publishing company.

  • Sam the Man
    Sam the Man

    Hi there, best advice is read Ray Franz two books.

  • Slave1111

    Honesty has a true and accurate understanding. I was chosen by JAH to fulfill the task and meaning o f the faithful slave upon the earth. As a member of the W.T.S. I was brought up with a good foundation for righteousness, and this group shunned mens wars which caused them to be chosen by JAH. There are a variety of chosen that I have met along the way directed by Holy Spirit. They consist and are from various beliefs and customs. This is so that I may witness how JAH the Almighty, in His infinite wisdom, will unite all nations under one teaching through His only begotten son Jesus Christ, AMEN.

    However, I am a true representative of Jehovah God in the end times and will be appointed as king upon the earth in the "New Jerusalem". This is the gift of belongings that the Master bestows upon the faithful and discreet slave. A gift of Law and Judgment under the Almighty GOD, and His son Jesus Christ, a Mighty God in subjection to His Father, AMEN.......

    The Faithful and Discreet Slave of JAH and JESUS

    Estephan Leuese, of the Tribe of LEVI, and out of the Twelve Tribes of Israel

  • jeanniebeanz

    amommy, Welcome.

    You've gotten some really good information here and I cannot add to it except to welcome you. You are in for a roller-coaster ride, emotional, spiritual and life-view, once you take on your own beliefs. This is not an undertaking for the weak. Some things you discover along the way may very well upset you and your family life (as you have no doubt already begun to see). It was worth it for me.

    I wish you all success and ultimately peace.


  • MerryMagdalene

    Here's a good article on the inherent dangers of organization:


    Imprisoned Ideas by W. P. Brown, MP
    A member of the British Parliament outlines the dangers of becoming a slave of institutions or organizations

    There are many classifications into which men and women may be divided -- as upper, middle or lower class; rich, well-to-do and poor; religious, skeptical and theist; Conservative, Liberal, Labor, Catholic, Protestant, master and man; and so forth and so on, ad infinitum. But, as I think, the only categorization which really matters is that which divides men as between the Servants of the Spirit and slaves of the organization. That classification, which cuts right across all the other classifications, is indeed the fundamental one. The idea, the inspiration, originates in the internal world, the world of the spirit. But, just as the human spirit must incarnate in a body, so must the idea incarnate in an organization. Whether the organization be political, religious, or social is immaterial to my present argument. The point is that, the idea having embodied itself in an organization, the organization then proceeds gradually to slay the idea which gave it birth.
    We may see this process at work in many fields. Let us take one or two by way of illustration. In the field of religion, a prophet, an inspired man, will see a vision of truth. He expresses that vision as best he may in words. He will not say all he saw. For every expression of truth is a limitation of it. But he will, so to speak, express the sense of his vision. What he says is only partly understood by those who hear him; and when they repeat what they understand him to have meant there will already be a considerable departure from the original vision of the prophet. Upon what his disciples understand of the prophet's message, an organization, a church will be built. The half-understood message will crystalize into a creed. Before long, the principal concern of the church will be to sustain itself as an organization. To this end, any departure from the creed must be controverted and, if necessary, suppressed as heresy. In a few score or a few hundred years what was conceived as a vehicle of a new and higher truth has become a prison for the souls of men. And men are murdering each other for the love of God. The thing has become its opposite.

    In the field of politics, the dispossessed dream of social order which shall be based on righteousness, a system in which men shall not exploit their fellowmen, in which each shall contribute according to his capacity and each shall receive according to his need. Upon this conception a political party is built. It gives battle, over the years to the existing order of things. As with the church, it is not long before the primary concern of the party is to sustain itself. Here again, any departure from the political creed must be repressed. The "party line" must be kept straight and dissent kept under. In the course of time, the party achieves power. By this time, it is no longer led by starry-eyed idealists, but by extremely tough guys -- who then proceed to use their newly acquired power to establish a stronger despotism than the one they overthrew, and to sew up all the holes in it that they themselves discovered in the old. What emerges is not freedom and social justice, but a more comprehensive and totalitarian control, used to maintain a new privileged class, which, because of the earlier experience of its members, is still more ruthless than the old.

    Similar illustrations could be drawn from all fields of life. But these two will suffice to demonstrate the truth with which I am here concerned. It is that, the idea having given birth to the organization, the organization develops a self-interest which has no connection with and becomes inimical to, the idea with which it began. Now, the thing which permits this process of diversion to take place, so that the organization comes to stand for the opposite of the idea which originally inspired it, is the tendency in men and women to become Prisoners of the Organization, instead of being Servants of the Spirit. In this tendency there are many elements. There is a sense in which you cannot run an organization without becoming its prisoner. Organization has its own necessities, in the interests of which the original idea has to be somewhat qualified. As soon as the idea passes from the unmanifested and embodies itself in the actual, it begins to be invaded by what the poet called "the world's slow stain." In this, there need be no conscious infidelity on the part of the leaders. Better, they may well argue, that the great idea should be only partly manifested than that it should remain a mere idea in vacuo. Better half the ideal loaf than no bread at all.

    Next, the wider the area to which the idea is introduced, the larger the circle of men and women to whom it is propagated through the organization, the more it must be "stepped down" for propaganda purposes. The idea which gives birth to a party which wants to establish the cooperative commonwealth, must be translated into practical proposals, such as the eight-hour day, the five-day week, and what not, if it is to attract a mass backing. And so the organization becomes less the vehicle of the idea than a channel through which particular interests must be served. The service of such particular interests attracts the backing of other organized bodies more interested in the limited objectives which the organization has now adopted than in the great idea itself. And the pressure of such bodies is felt by the organization, with the result that the idea tends to retreat into the background in favor of less ambitious objectives. In this world, the Devil walks, and it is necessary sometimes to hold a candle to the Devil.

    Another element is this: Prophets always stand a good chance of being bumped off. This chance is increased if they come down from the hills into the marketplace, and still further increased if they come down unarmed. Prophets should only go unarmed into the marketplace if they think that their work is done, and are prepared to depart hence. Some prophets take to arms. Even where the original prophet does not, his disciples may do so. The Devil must be fought with the Devil's weapons. This is argumentatively sound but practically disastrous. For it means that the servants of God, the disciples of the idea, tend to descend to the Devil's level. As the organization grows, it deteriorates. Its leaders are not the men they were.
    Among the rank and file many things combine to keep them in the organization, even when they become uneasily conscious that there is a dawning, and even a yawning gap between organization and idea. First there is the force of inertia. It is easier not to resign than resign. Drift is easier than decision. Next there is the factor of sentiment. All of us tend to project onto the organization of which we are members, the virtue we would like it to have, and to be blind to its defects. And, finally, men are gregarious creatures and dislike falling out of the ranks away from the comrades of years. Gradually the organization changes. As it changes it attracts new elements which approve the change. Not because of conscious calculation, which comes much later, when the idea has been deserted, but because organization develops its own logic, its own raison d'etre, and because men tend to become the Prisoners of the Organization, the organization can finish up by standing for the precise opposite of the idea which called it into being.
    What is the moral to be drawn from all this?

    One moral, it would not be wholly facetious to suggest, might be that the first rule for an organization should be a rule providing for its dissolution within a limited period of time. "This organization shall be dissolved not later than . . ." But the deeper moral is concerned with our attitude to organization as such. The moral is that, even when we are members of an organization, our attitude to it should be one of partial detachment. We must be above it even when we are members of it. We should join it in the knowledge that there we may have no abiding place. We should be weekly tenants, not long-leaseholders. We should accept no such commitments as would prevent our leaving it when circumstances make this necessary. We should reckon on being in almost perpetual rebellion within it. Above all, we should regard all loyalties to organization as tentative and provisional. The whole concept of "my party, right or wrong," "my union, right or wrong," "my church, right or wrong" should be utterly alien to our thinking. We must be Servants of the Spirit, not Prisoners of the Organization. We must keep in touch with the sources of life, not lose ourselves in its temporary vehicles. And whenever the demands of the Spirit, the categorical imperatives of the soul, conflict with the demands of the organization, it is all contained in one of the legendary sayings of Jesus, which bears all the marks of authenticity:

    This world is a bridge. Ye shall pass over it, but ye shall build no houses upon it.

    Bivouacs. Yes! Tents. Maybe! Houses. No!
  • Triple A
    Triple A

    Welcome amommy,

    It is not an organization, but one idividual. In answer to Thomas' question in John 14:5 - 5 Thomas said to him, "Lord, we don't know where you are going, so how can we know the way?"

    Jesus answered in John 14:6 - 6 Jesus answered, "I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me. 7 If you really knew me, you would know [b] my Father as well. From now on, you do know him and have seen him."

    Trust in Jesus alone, Triple A

  • acadian

    Hello and Welcome to the board amommy!

    The simple answer is you !

    Jesus, supposetly said (paraphrased) "I and Father are one, just as you and I are one."
    What did he Realiy mean?

    And that" the kingdom of heaven is within us." What did he Really Mean?

    You are the Temple of God/Creator/Cosmic Awareness, start within youself on your search for truth.

    This board is probably your best bet as far as open mindedness and differing issues, a good starting point in your search for the truth.

    Again Welcome!

    Kind Regards

    "I am nothing, and yet I am all things."

  • BluesBrother

    welcome amommy!!!

    We have all, well nearly all of us. been where you are. It is a terrible thing to realize that everything we always believed , is in fact not true. I still remember the day that shocking truth hit me.

    At the moment you are asking "Who is the true organization?" , well why does there have to be just one? Read Mathew 24.45 again carefully, Was Jesus really saying that there would definitely be one true organization? I leave you to decide.

    There is no need to work it all out know. I have been "inactive" 8 years and still not worked it out - but i do know enough to be sure that the Watchtower is sadly wrong .

    Have a good time working out and you are still young enough to have a good life . Check the net there are lots of good sites for info...

  • reaper

    We got out of the Cult in June 2001, after I spent (wasted) 49 years in it and my wife wasted 52 years in it. I was a 2nd generation JW and so was my wife. I served as an Elder for many years and we were both Pioneers in the 60s. My wife totally believed it was true even when we left, and when I first got online in November 1999 my wife was very angry with me for looking at 'Apostate' sites.

    Eventually though we left as we could not see or feel any LOVE in the Cong. My wife read her Bible whilst I was still tried to keep up appearances. One day I returned home to be asked what does Matthew 8:11 mean? From that time on we started to examine the facts about the CULT.

    But when I read the facts about the UN/WT I thought it was lies until I read it over and over again. I made my wife sit in front of the computer to read it for herself as she refused to accept it, even though we had left the Borg.

    Then she realised that if there was nothing wrong with them joining the UN as an NGO, why did they pull out as soon as it was revealed in a British Newspaper.

    Gradually after we were out for 18 months we were looking at all sorts of faiths, and praying in the forest every Sunday, until eventually I was led to a Church, where I was told later they had actually been praying for us by name. I found out later that an exJW study had become a BA Christian and knew me and was praying with his house group for us to accept Jesus as our saviour.

    The TRUTH about the 'TRUTH' is just like SHINING a VERY BRIGHT SPOTLIGHT right into a persons face when they are in pitch darkness. The initial reaction is to lash out with anger, just like my wife and many others did. see my testimony on www.witforjesus.org

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