This is a tool. It is up to us to figure out how to use it. Some have said the important thing to see is "this application," others are saying "this other application is better."
Whatever fires you up in this, whether it is attempting to reach the ones still in, the ones who haven't got a clue about it either way (the public), the professionals who've been deceived (hospitals, doctors, etc.), or those who have left and still adhere to an exaggerated view of the risks of transfusion, it doesn't matter which direction you are inspired to move as long as you are moving.
For those who would rather throw a wet blanket over something that not only was not implied but was expressly denied in Barb's thread, quit whining to us about what you thought it would be. It was big news. Huge news. Bigger than anything we've had so far. If it wasn't as big as we wanted, I could give a crap.
BTW, 1975 was pointed to as the end. This was not. This was pointed to as hope, something to use, a real chance to start hurting the Scoiety, a real basis for proving deceit.
I believe that what happened in the past 24 hours shows we really are a community. And it will take a community to use what is soon going to be available to us to make the whole world aware that the Watchtower Society has no credibility at all.
Someone told me last year that to organize XJWs is like trying to herd a roomful of cats. I agreed then, but I don't now. I see that you all desperately want some justice and want your families back, just like Joe and I do and are willing to do something about it. Well, shortly you can participate in a protest movement the likes that WT has never seen. Along with the Big News will come information and suggestions as to how to effectively use what we will be provided with. (Yikes, I sound like a Kingdom Ministry. Ugh! Forgive me?)
(December 11, 2005)
Now, if everyone is going to keep accusing Barbara of claiming more than she did—back it up!
I can prove that Society was encouraging people to think 1975 was the end. Can you prove Barbara was encouraging you to think what you thought? To start with, she SAID it was from outside both the JW and exJW community. Would that include any doctrinal change? No. Would that include ANYTHING related to a GB member? No.
How can she be held responsible if everyone took what she said and then promptly ignored it in creating their expectations? BY READING THE CLUES from those who knew you could have come close to guessing what it was. It didn't take rocket science to figure out it wasn't a GB member fleeing with all the records from the secret vaults in the dungeons of Brooklyn (although, how sweet would that be, eh?). She was hoping you guys would be charged about a protest movement with some teeth. This has teeth. She delivered exactly what she promised.
While on the other hand, 1975 was a particularly UNEVENTFUL year.