I just got back from the meeting minutes ago. We had an announcement at the KH this evening that there will be a special talk next service meeting entitled "Obéissons au commandement divin de nous abstenir du sang"... which means "Let us obey the divin commandment to abstain from blood"
I asked the Presiding Overseer why the blood talk was being given so early, and not in line with the Kingdom Ministry schedule. Usually, i said, the talk is given in early January. He replied that there was a letter from the branch office and we're doing it early this year.
I can't help but wonder if this is to do with the Big News (there I go again mentioning the BBN again). maybe they are getting us to sign even more papers signing our lives away.
I for one am not signing anything, i don't carry a blood-card with me and, without my parents' or my congregation's knowledge, i've advised my GP (doctor) to destroy all Advanced Medical Directive's that my parents have made for me.
"Special Talk" being given next week about blood
by dorayakii 17 Replies latest watchtower beliefs
Your 1000th post and you wasted it on me... awww, how thoughtful Congratulations Carla
Sorry about that, that always happens when i click enter by accident, before i've written anything.
Oh, thanks, I didn't even notice. I figured it was about that. And phooey to that! Me & husband have never even touched that subject on a personal level, just general. I'm just glad the courts side with children.I don't think he would try to interfere with kids if something happened. Guess I better get my legal health stuff taken care of soon!
That is extremely intersting... I wonder if it is related at all. I think that it must be... I wonder if this will happen at other congragations around the world too....
Thank you for that info. I will try to find out if it is happening here also.
BTW you have a PM
I do not believe in coincidences
Mmm, i'm still not sure, the blood talk IS always in early January isn't it?
The elders had an elders meeting after the final song and prayer, so as i was leaving straight away, i rushed to interrogate the PO.
I'm not sure if this really is something to talk about, but i don't have a Kingdom Ministry, so i can't really look it up.
It's proably just a normal talk.
Aaah, possible damage control talk. Very interesting.
Please let us know what they say in the talk. Kind of funny considering everything. You never know.