Simon's post caused me to think. Sure we may all just contibute small nails in the coffin, but each small nail has some impact to be sure. What nails have you driven into the WTS' coffin? Did you show the truth about the truth to some of your friends and family? Did you show those worldy ones around you just how dangerous and whitewashed the religion is? Did you organize a protest outside an assembly? Did you write a DA letter? Did you sue or threaten to sue? What have you done?
Personally I may not have done a lot but I consider ever contribution to be valuable. Like many have said it takes every nail we can muster. I know that no one who has ever been friends with me or known me will join the organization based on what I have told them about the JWs. I gave my boyfriend, an avid debator, much ammunition to use including a complete copy of the watchtower library on cdrom. I also sought to keep my best friend from crawling back to them after he broke up with his girlfriend by telling him about the corruption and mistruths and trying to assuage his guilt at having left "the truth". In addition I used to write the url to freeminds on the cover of the Watchtower and Awake at the local library.