13 years old boy has been baptized

by M.Bibleres 45 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • MidwichCuckoo

    These poor kids make up the 'increase' in their numbers. It's unlawful to make a contract with a minor. Dubs CRITICISE other religions for Baptising/Christening infants - what's the difference?

  • Mysterious

    The difference is by the time they dunk their kids..the kids can tell you they aren't being forced into it while mommy nods approvingly..

    I find it funny they do quote how jesus was nearly 30 when he was baptized but they don't practice what they preach. Egads 30 year old baptism age the organization would fall apart!

  • MidwichCuckoo
    the kids can tell you they aren't being forced into it

    ....just making an adult happy/scared of consequences if they don't comply? Sorry - this makes me think of how paedophiles 'groom' victims.

  • jwfacts

    A recent National Geographic on the mind said that they brain does not finish developing until 25. Car rental agencies also realise the immaturity of those under 25 by not allowing them to drive. It is impossible for teenager of any age to make such a commitment with full knowledge of what they are doing.

    A brother was baptised in our congregation aged 13 last year and less than one year later he was d/f and still is. The poor guy is trying to get reinstated, quite possibly just to get d/f again in a few years.

  • carla

    Didn't someone have picture up on the web somewhere of a 7 yr old being baptized this summer?

    You can hardly compare the 'other' religions as they do not make the same claims the wt does. As far as I know they generally do insert their religion right in their with God and Jesus either as part of the baptism.

  • JustTickledPink

    I was baptized at 11 yrs old in 1986. It's not uncommon at all. Happens all the time.

  • Sam the Man
    Sam the Man

    Thanks for the updates and info, thats depressing information.

  • Legolas

    I seen 7 year old's get baptized!

  • blakky

    Yes, other religions dont practice shunning. We are talking about baptism arent we?

  • ozziepost
    Well if you are apart of the catholic religion and many other christian religions, they baptise or christen their kids at a few months old...

    Actually this is another of the WTS' many misrepresentations of the facts.

    They compare the way they do things, i.e. having a ruling, central authority, with supposed faults in other churches and accuse them all of doing the same thing!

    If they bothered to check their facts they would find (at least as far as protestant churches is concerned)::

    • Some individual churches, no ministers, do infant baptisms. The ministers I know personally don't set much store by them but see it as an outreach to the unchurched, people with little faith except that they believe for cultural reasons they 'must' get the babies baptised. For example, our current minister takes the view that since the parents are promising to bring up their child in the christian faith, that at least he should see them sometimes!
    • Other ministers I know refuse to do it for reasons much like what the WTS says about infant baptism.
    • The Baptist churches I know have full body immersion of adults.
    • Not to be overlooked is that there is such a thing as Confirmation for adults or young adults where they confirm their infant baptism.Whether a baby is baptised (christened) or not can in no way be compared with the full-body immersion of new converts into the Witness faith.

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