Child sacrifice was never God's idea, the prophet Jeremiah quoted the Almighty as saying. He never commanded it, nor did it even enter his mind for worshipers to do such a horrible thing. Yet the ugly practice arose among professedly religious people in the Old Testament times. Self-appointed spokesmen for the Deity commanded that a child be consigned to the flames, and faithful followers obeyed. Jeremiah 32:35 New International Version. "They built high places for Baal in the valley of Ben Hinnom to sacrifice their sons and daughters...though I never commmanded, nor did it enter my mind, that they should do such a detestable thing...."
How far have we come in the twenty-five centuries since Jeremiah's day! Or have we? Rev. Jim Jones, Jonestown sacrificed the children and adults, some nine hundred People's Temple followers willfully sacrificed themselves!
David Koresh of the Branch Davidians sacrificed their children's lives along with their own!
This was BIG NEWS! Reorted live on national and international television and radio and the papers.
Jehovah's Witnesses, Governing Body, has caused the deaths of more children (and more adults, too) than Waco and Jonestown combined.We never made the same headlines. Our victims died quiety, one at a time.
The faraway reality of JW's dying for lack of blood does not intrude on the average witness. Hopefully that will change big time in the near future.
Blueblades, ( note: Most of the above information can be found in David Reed's book " Blood on The Altar".)