Does anone know about dreams/interpretations?

by AK - Jeff 12 Replies latest jw experiences

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Tuesday nite I had a very real dream - it included a very dear friend of mine who had died in 1973.

    Jim has been dead for 32 years now, yet here I am having a dream in which he was driving a semi tractor/trailer. In real life he never drove one. We conversed about something, but I cannot remember what was said. Other people seemed to be there too - but they were peripheral to the dream I think. Nothing special happened except that I think I jumped up in the cab and helped him move the truck somewhere. That would be natural since I am a professional driver in real life.

    Last time I saw Jim was at Yankee Stadium for the 1973 International Assembly. He was at Bethel and I was a just baptized pioneer. He was 19 and I was 18, and he had 'brought me into the Truth' as we said. He died a few months later from a fall from one of the Bethel buildings. I still miss him - I truly loved the guy. He was not very social - he never really fit in - he was not hip. I wasn't at the top of the social ladder myself, but he was more introverted than I was. His family was very 'theocratic' - he wanted to leave Bethel and they would not hear of it until he did his time. His end was never clear - I have spoken with a former Bethelite who knew him and was there on the night he died - He did not think it was just a fall, but suicide. No one knows I suppose for sure.

    Anyway - here out of the blue I dream about this guy. It makes me homesick for the past friendship that we never got to share. I am sure we would have continued to be long time friends has he lived. Of course now that I have left the Lie he would prob be shunning me like all the rest.

    Anyone with insight - why would my sub conjure up a person from that far back in my past. It just brings back emotional pain I thought I had left behind.


  • ButtLight

    I have had strange dreams like that also! I pulled this up on the net. (whether its true or not you can decide)

    If you dream of a person who has died a long time ago, then it suggests that a current situation or relationship in you life resembles the quality of that deceased person. The dream may depict how you need to let this situation or relationship die and end it.

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Thanx Buttlight. With my current 'social slate' being limited to raising my three g-kids and the occasional foray to this board or the grocers to feed the hungry little whips, and my 'shunned' status with all former friends I might see - I just don't see who it could be. But I will give that some thought. Thanx again.

    An early Merry Xmas to you and yours.


  • ButtLight

    Thank you, right back at ya! Here is another that may make more sense.

    To see your dead sibling, relative, or friend alive in your dream, indicates that you miss them and are trying to relive your old experiences you had with them. In trying to keep up with the pace of your daily waking life, you dreams may serve as your only outlet in coping and coming to terms with the loss of a loved one.

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Now - that could be it.

    I have sometimes wondered how life would have been if he had been around. That may explain it. Most of our time together was of course in witness related activity - but I truly think the guy was misunderstood and underappreciated.

    Funny how these things pop up three decades later. Huh?

    Well - if he is in heaven - and I am not sure how I come down on that one now - I will look forward to seeing him again there. Maybe we will have a drink at the local cloud and laugh about how gullible we were to believe this BS we were taught. Wonder what kind of beer they serve up there?


  • Satanus

    I am of the opinion that the spirit carries on after body death. In that paradigm, there are a few possibilities. One of them is that after he suicided (if he did), in spirit form, he continued in the exact same mental state in which he was in the body. Very likely negativity like depression, shame, guilt, worthlessnes, dispair. He may have stayed in that state of self imposed darkness for 32 yrs, only just emerging recently. Coming to a higher conscioussnes, he may have remembered his closest friends and desired contact. Hence, his appearance in your dream. There is a movie out called 'what dreams may come' w robbin williams and annbella scoria along this line.

    'Course, as the contact filtered through your brain and as it was stored in your memory, your brain/mind would distort it by adding images/details. That's where dream enterpretation comes in.


  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Very interesting, Satanus. So a form of contact perhaps?

    Thanx Jeff

  • truman

    Some possibilities: One way of interpreting dreams is by viewing all players in the dream as aspects of yourself. Through that lens, you might consider that your friend was, as you describe him, feeling “trapped” at B ethel and he escaped. Whether by suicide or by accident, he died to find release from his situation. You, (I assume, since you are here) on the other hand, have made your escape by 'driving' yourself out of entrapment in 'the truth'. You took control of your situation, which strength your friend was unable to find to deal with his. In the dream, you take action; you jump into the cab and attempt to help 'drive' him somewhere. Out, perhaps...?
    I might be tempted to think of this dream as affirming myself for taking charge of my own life, or perhaps maybe feeling a little regretful over the waste of my life because I failed to do so much sooner. I might also consider if there are any other places in my life where I needed to exercise more consciously focused decision-making to deal with a troublesome situation. Whichever, this dream shows you that you have the power to alter even very difficult circumstances by your actions. Just a few thoughts, for whatever they’re worth Sorry about the funny appearance of this post...I had formatting problems

  • forsharry

    Also...with you driving...or more correctly in a vehicle that's going might be your subconscious telling you that you don't necessarily have to be in control to go where you're needed to go. You have this friend driving for you, whom you loved and trusted, and maybe it's your mind saying that, in accordance with what Buttlight was saying, that this friend reminds you of someone or a relationship that you have today and that you might be able to hand over some of the reigns to them.

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    Thanx all for the interps and thoughts here.

    I just knew there would be some here who would have an idea or two. I can always count on that.



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