Well, the highlights from the day, included the CO refusing to read direct quotes from the literature about the shunning policy. He held the paper in his hand and fired a question at me, the respondent, around my attorney...a big no-no. He asked if I had gotten them off an apostate website. I said, "No, I have the bound volume right here." He got himself on that one. The Judge got miffed at his arrogance in not answering questions and demanded he read the excerpts, which the CO claimed were taken out of context. OK, how do you take IN context:
"We must hate (the Disfellowshipped person) in the truest sense, which is to regard with extreme active aversion, to consider (the Disfellowshipped person) as loathsome, odious, filthy, to detest." (The Watchtower October 1st 1952 Issue, Page 599)
"In the case of where a father or mother or son or daughter is disfellowshiped, how should such person be treated by members of the family in their family relationship?"
"We are not living today among theocratic nations where such members of our fleshly family relationship could be exterminated for apostasy from God and his theocratic organization, as was possible and was ordered in the nation of Israel in the wilderness of Sinai and in the land of Palestine. "Thou shalt surely kill him; thy hand shall be first upon him to put him to death, and afterwards the hand of all the people. And thou shalt stone him to death with stones, because he hath sought to draw thee away from Jehovah thy God, . . . And all Israel shall hear, and fear, and shall do no more any such wickedness as this is in the midst of thee."-Deut. 13:6-11, AS."
"Being limited by the laws of the worldly nation in which we live and also by the laws of God through Jesus Christ, we can take action against apostates only to a certain extent, that is, consistent with both sets of laws."
"The law of the land and God's law through Christ forbid us to kill apostates, even though they be members of our own flesh-and-blood family relationship. However, God's law requires us to recognize their being disfellowshiped from his congregation, and this despite the fact that the law of the land in which we live requires us under some natural obligation to live with and have dealings with such apostates under the same roof."
"...if the children are of age, then there can be a departing and breaking of family ties in a physical way, because the spiritual ties have already snapped."
Then my attorney asked about the custody brochure and he denied six ways from Sunday that it existed. My attorney said questioning him was like trying to nail Jello to a wall. We got nowhere but his arrogance showed what he was made of. The judge didn't buy any of it and condemned the practice. The order stood for 2 months before my ex called it unconstitutional and jumped behind the first amendment. Now the children are restricted from being around anyone who would shun me. That isn't happening.
There is also a restraining order against both my parents. My mother sends me photos of her with the kids at conventions to rub it in. Contempt of court charges would cost me too much and the JW's would lie for them.
It is now a dead end but we got alot of good theocratic warfare documented. I HAVE to get it to Randy this week.