So this week on the service meeting there was a part in the KM about Divine Education. True to form, it was another anti-college, pro-pioneering propaganda piece put out by our buddies in Brooklyn.
In the third paragraph, it babbled forth about how colleges and universities don't teach people to overcome racism, tribalism, and something else.
(someone please post scan on Dec. 2005 KM front page)
Now there is a trend in my congrgation and surrounding congregations that families with kids who have ANY trouble in school immediately get taken out and placed in homeschool. I say trend because I can name at least 20 kids (almost all of whom are girls) who have been thrown into homeschool.
And apparently, "Homeschool" is a Dub Buzzword for "pioneer". Even though these kids were yanked from school for having a boyfriend, or underage drinking, they all appeared on the pioneer list or been regular auxillarying since they started "homeschool".
There is some contention between the "Homeschooled" and the "Real Schooled" because the "homeschooled" aren't blessed with the chance to meet real face to face persecution like the "real schooled". So the "real schoolers" get to enjoy worldly friends, and pep rallies while the "homsechoolers" keep their noses aloft with hundreds of Field Service hours on their publisher cards.
In my congregation, there one particular family which has 2 teenage daughters. The father is a prominent elder, and "enjoys" many privileges within the cong. One of these daughters is about 19 and has slipped off to a local tech school to train to be an Xray Tech. Sadly, 4 years in homeschool left her hard up for book smarts and her 2 years of college study is fast becoming 4. She almost failed her english class because she used the Watchtower and Awake as the main reference material for a major paper. Funny, but not the point here.
The second daughter, who just turned 17, had to be taken about of school 3 weeks into her Freshman year because a boy she was interested in called her house.
Back to the story.
We are going over this horrible part about how great Jah is, blah, blah, blah, and the younger daughter raises her hand to comment.
She begins to expound on the paragraph mentioned above, and then gets to where it says "tribalism", and actually says, into the microphone, "I don't even know what that word is" and goes on with her comment.
I immediately lean over to my mother, and whisper " That's your divine education right there". My mother started suppressing laughter and I have a good feeling that similar sentiments were traveling around the hall.
After the meeting, all the college educated ones began to whisper about how homeschool wasn't doing those kids any good.
I know this has been a lengthy topic, but I think it merits attention. The dubs are only hurting themselves with these anti college policies.