Neo-Babylonian chronology is a 'dog's breakfast' because for the Babylonian Gap problem of twenty years shown by comparing it with WT biblical chronology.
It is the WT Chronology that has a gap of twenty years, if you go by the dating of events as quoted above. Secular history does not have such a gap. Astronomical dating fixes several key events in the timeline to within days of its occurrence.
Just so you know, the Watchtower Society knows that present-day archeological discoveries destroy their pretenses for keeping the 607 BC date. They aren't confused about it. I have talked with a lady who was part of a party from a European Branch Office. These people were sent scouring Europe to the various musems to take pictures of all sorts of archeological finds. The other night she lamented that she never saw a single one of the photographs.
A ancient-language expert overheard what they were doing at one of the musems and walked around with them, reading the texts to them as they went.
No, I think you have got something mistaken that even the Society knows the truth about. 1914 was NOT what they say it is was.