I heard that it was scarce at the kingdom hall last thursday night. The speaker was asking those in attendance to look around and see who was missing and to call them and encourage them to come back to the meetings. Interesting huh? What do you suppose this means? Has Jehovah removed his spirit?
Scarce at the kingdom hall
by justice for all 33 Replies latest jw friends
From what I hear, meeting attendance is down all over. And it's down dramatically. At our last CO visit, the CO did not even read the stats like has always been done before. At the last Circuit Assembly, it was announced that meeting attendance is a problem in our circuit. I have a feeling that has been said at pretty much everyone's Circuit Assemblies.
Great news Could it be something in the water?
It has got to be down unless there are a lot of new ones coming. I know when I left out of a family of 5 the KH lost 4 of us. Then you have most of the young people who leave and only attend sporatically. Continue pressures for people to make a living to support their families is getting harder, people are exhausted, so attendence is bound to go down. It was down some when I was going 4 1/2 years ago. It can't be much better. In the KH I went too all the young ones were becoming teens and usually means they head out the door. Just the old folks left.
Id like to think this was so, but we all know they are filling the seats with half wits and naieve young things who dont know how to read. SIGH.
***I heard that it was scarce at the kingdom hall last thursday night. The speaker was asking those in attendance to look around and see who was missing and to call them and encourage them to come back to the meetings.
Awww---that's a shame. WHY can't I stop grinning?
***Interesting huh? What do you suppose this means? Has Jehovah removed his spirit?
Yes---VERY interesting! And IMHO, Jehovah never had to remove something he hadn't left there.
I notice at the KH 2 blocks from me that there are a LOT of Mexicans going on Sunday afternoons...and I've
seen them going in the eves. This was not the case 2-3 yrs ago. I suppose due to the influx of immigrants in
our area, they are recruiting them heavily...and since most have Catholic roots, the JWs are able to help them
get UnDEMONIZED. HAS anyone else seen a rise in the #'s of Hispanics?
Hi Auntie,
In my locality it seems like all the KHs have both Spanish and English speaking congregations. Also the last time I looked at the District Convention schedule for Northern California there seemed to be almost as many Spanish Conventions as English.
Same thing here in northern ontario.I'd say over the last 10 years the decrease has to be close to 30%.
KH attendance that was once 90 is down to 55-60
CA attendance that was once 700 is down to 470-490
DA attendance that was once 3700 is down to 28-2900
...slowly imploding...
I drove past my old KH, and noticed that there weren't very many cars in the parking lot, there were only about 7 cars....I thought it a bit odd, especially since it was their 2 hour meeting night....(I can't remember what they call the Thursday night meeting anymore, isn't that awful???)