by stillAwitness 22 Replies latest social relationships

  • BluesBrother

    What ever has been before, it all goes around and comes around - It is all a question of FIGURES,and there is more kudos in having a "Study" than a R/V BTW.. I would not feel too sorry for the "poor sister" who did it . If nothong else she has the guts to try it . Lets hope she sees through it soon..And I never knew it got that chilly in the steamy South!


    *** km 1/03 p. 2 Service Meeting Schedule ***

    22 min: "Teach Others the Pure Language." After considering paragraph 6, have a capable publisher demonstrate how to start a doorstep Bible study when making a return visit, using one of the presentations in the January 2002 Our Kingdom Ministry insert, page 4. Include a consideration of one paragraph in the Require brochure. Have publisher conclude by raising a question on the next paragraph and arranging to answer it on the next visit. Encourage all to consider whether any of those they call on might be willing to study the Bible in this manner.

  • oldflame

    I welcome all JW's to come to my home and study the bible, I love it when I can teach them how incorrect their word is. Usually they do not come back but at least they leave with something to think about.........

  • jstalin

    I feel like I'm missing out on all the fun.... I never get any JWs at my door.

  • Ticker

    It's true though the Watchtower will grasp on to anything, even if its slowly indoctrinating someone two paragraphs at a time.


  • IP_SEC

    In my old circuit they were called "sneak a studies"

  • Darth Yhwh
    Darth Yhwh

    This gives a whole new meaning to padding your service hours. Geeezzz!

  • Honesty
    I feel like I'm missing out on all the fun.... I never get any JWs at my door.

    Neither do I, jstalin. Neither do I. Is there any way I can get the back of the Territory Card amended so it does not have my address on it? I need a doorstep study so I can get back into the cult of deception and lies.

  • observador

    Yes, this is not a novel. Been there, tried that!

    The problem is that in our area it was difficult even to finish the first sentence without hearing a "NO, I'M OK"... how can they expect the householder to READ the freaking paragraph and even ANSWER the question... (shaking head)

    No, not gonna happen; not in my neck of woods here. :)


  • Mysterious

    I remember those when the brochure first came out. Certainly nothing new here. I can't imagine of anything worse to do when it's cold outside. But then I guess it is easier to pull off than trying to get invited inside.

  • steve2

    Is this the start of something truly innovative? Who knows, in say ten years, they might be so desperate about diminishing numbers that they advocate doorstep baptisms. Before they know it, hapless householders will end up in the February 1st service report as baptised witnesses.

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