Saviour#1 Who was born Dec. 25th of a virgin mother, called a saviour and the only-begotten son, died to save mankid, crucified on Black Fridy, his blood spilled to redeem the earth, suffering death with nails and stakes, the Father and Son combined in the earthly body, put in a tomb, went down into the underworld and 3 days later his body disappears from the tomb and he was resurrected as the Most High God whose body symbolized by bread and was eaten by his followers? Saviour#2 Who was born of a virgin mother on Dec. 25th and his father was a carpenter, a star marked his birthplace and angels and shepherds were attending, the ruler slaughtered infants in order to kill him, but he survived to heal the sick, lepers, blind and deaf, dying about the age of 30 being crucified on a tree, portrayed on a cross, rose from the dead, considered the saviour, followers knew him as Jezeus (which means pure essence) and it is said he will return on a white horse to judge the dead and fight the Prince of Evil? Saviour#3 Who was born to a virgin mother on Dec 25th, put in a manger in swadling clothes, became a traveling teacher performing miracles, turning water into wine, rode in triumph on an ass, became known as the Lamb of God, God of the Vine, God of Gods, King of KIngs, Only Begotten Son, bearer of sins, Redeemer, Anointed One (Christos), Alpha and Omega, hung and crucified on a tree and rose from the dead on Mar. 25th, and worshipped by some Hebrews during the 1st Century B.C.? I'll give you 4 names: Jesus of Nazareth; Dionysus or Bacchus Son of God of Greece; Krishna, the Son Of God Of India; Attis, the Son of God of Phrygia. Just a hint, none of the above are Jesus of Nazareth and they all predate him in history. So another question, Is the Bible Jesus real or a mystical conglomeration of all the Saviours worshipped for thousands of years by millions of people?
The Who's Who of Saviours, Here's Three, You Tell Me?
by THE SHOOTIST 9 Replies latest jw friends
Did you mean mythical conglomeration? In any case, are those the only two options or are we being given a false dichotomy?
Is the Bible Jesus real or a mystical conglomeration of all the Saviours worshipped for thousands of years by millions of people?
Answer - He is a mystical conglomeration of all the Saviours worshipped for thousands of years by millions of people.
Jesus was real, all those others were just copying off of him. Before the fact. (A trick of Satan, no doubt!)
In fact Jesus was so real and did so many amazing things that nobody even wrote about it until at least (maybe) 40 years after he was supposed to have died. This in an age historians love because of the amount of contemporary written material. :p
Robert K Stock
Jesus was a nice Jewish boy sufferring from delusions.
God is Santa Claus for adults.
Happy Winter Solstice to one and all.
The problem with this presentation is that the most obvious parallels rely on late evidence, especially from the 4th century AD when many mystery cults, including Christianity, were borrowing ideas, symbols and practices from one another in a struggle for audience. So it is not that simple.
Just a little added information in agreement with Mutz, more than 40 writers are known to have chronicled the events in Israel/Palestine at the alleged time of Jesus and not one of them mentions him. The writer Philo lived throughout the life of Jesus and wrote a history of the Judeans, which covered the whole period. Philo lived in or near Jerusalem at the time Jesus was supposed have been born and done all those great events and yet he never mentioned those great events or Jesus existance. He never said zilch, you know, the big fat zero. I believe that the Hebrew historian Josephus is an obvious later addition in the church's desperation to cross-reference their meal ticket.
Another historical fact is that Herod the Great, the ruler seeking to kill baby Jesus died in 4 B.C.. This really causes problems for religious groups that say he was born in 2 B.C., 2 years after Herod's death. The supposed census most historians place around 6 A.D., you know the one Joseph and Mary were going to while she was pregnant with Jesus, occurred some 8 years after his birth or that was one hell of a long pregnancy. -
The writer Philo lived throughout the life of Jesus and wrote a history of the Judeans, which covered the whole period. Philo lived in or near Jerusalem.
Philo didn't write a History of the Jews, Josephus did. Philo lived in Alexandria, Egypt.
I believe that the Hebrew historian Josephus is an obvious later addition in the church's desperation to cross-reference their meal ticket.
The references about Jesus are probable Christian interpolations into Josephus' work.
Another historical fact is that Herod the Great, the ruler seeking to kill baby Jesus died in 4 B.C.. This really causes problems for religious groups that say he was born in 2 B.C., 2 years after Herod's death.
Which religious groups?
The supposed census most historians place around 6 B.C., you know the one Joseph and Mary were going to while she was pregnant with Jesus, occurred 4 years prior to his birth.
Quirinius' census was in 6 AD, that is, 10 years after Herod's death. -
Narkissos, sorry about the BC AD screw up on my reply> I corrected it. Thanks for pointing it out. Guess I just had a brain glitch.